Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"A Gifting" .......Celebrating my 100+ faithful followers

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you today???
Day going well???
Hope so.................

I am feeling just a bit under the weather, 
nothing too bad, think my daughter shared 
her cold with me!! lol..... So I am achy and
headachy,  just took some sinus meds,
so hope that will do the trick soon.

Was tempted not to post today,  but since 
told yall last week about my Special Celebration 
for my 100+ now followers, thought
I had better make good on my promise!!

I have to say I am very excited, because after 
my first year blogging Anniversary came I wanted
 to Gift one of my bloggy friends then, but that
 is right when hubby got laid off,  then this year,
 on my 2nd Anniversary, he was still laid off, so
 now that we aren't on such a strict budget,
decided not to wait till next years Anniverary, 
 and thought a Celebration in honor of my
100+ faithful followers would be a great
reason to have a gifting!!

and yes, these are the gifts above.....

Sort of a "Get Ready for Fall" theme,  course, if you have
a Tuscan look it would go even better...........
and who knows there could be another
surprise or two tucked in.......

So.....if you are a follower of Nellies Cozy Place,
and you are a U.S. resident, and would like to be
 included in my Gifting
Please leave me a comment, to say you
would like to be included.

Then I will put your name in a hat or bowl
or something and have hubby draw one out,
on August 24th, 2011,
 that way it gives everyone
a chance to come by and get in on the fun!!

Here is a few close up shots of the items
just to egg you on.............

This birdie has got some big feet!!  lol

Well,  can you tell I am in the mood for Fall already,
It's this Florida heat,  we are up in the 90's, course,
we are having a cool 89 degree day right this minute,
only because it rained all morning and
 lowered the

Anyway,  hope you are as excited as I am about
the Gifting...........

Thanks for coming by............

and if you have come to my blog via google
friends connect and want to join in the fun,
you might want to go to my right sidebar, where
it says contact me,  and leave your email address,
just in case you might be the winner,

and also if you are having difficulty leaving
comments for some reason,  do the same!!

I have noticed that I am getting a lot of comments
thru my gmail acct. lately,  so thinking there might
still be some problems with comments still!!

Take Care Sweet Folks
and have a Blessed Day!!

Love and Hugs,


  1. Hi Nellie, Oh what a giving heart you have; I have been so blessed by the two times I had a giveaway-it blesses us more than the recipient. Please enter my name in this generous giveaway. I wish I had more resources to bless others with. Glad you had rain and it cooled a bit; the same here as it is much cooler today. Have a blessed afternoon & evening.

  2. I love doing giveaways. It's such fun sending a beautiful item or two to a dear blog friend.

    I am definitely NOT in fall know that, right? I really don't care if fall EVER shows up. Because after fall comes winter, and I detest everything about winter...cold, snow, wind, barren trees, gray skies, etc. So, though you may be thinking "fall," I certainly am not. But your giveaway would still be a lovely gift, so count me in on the fun.

    Love ya, sweet friend. I SO enjoyed our chat the other day. I'm so glad God brought you back into my life.


  3. Sorry to hear you're a little under the weather...hope you're back to normal soon. Your giveaway items are sweet. I know someone will be thrilled to receive them. Congratulations on your 100+ followers.

  4. Congratulation, 100+ is impressive, shows you're doing something right.

  5. As Lawrence Welk used to say, "Wonderful, wonderful" to you and all of your followers!! I'll get in the drawing, however, if you pick my name (per chance) give it to someone else, please! I don't want anyone thinking, "Hey, she's your sister-in-law; that's not fair!!" LOL! If I could have my pick, I would pick your birdie, ha!!
    Love to you all,

  6. Hi Nellie! This is a great group of groovy gits. Love the Tuscan look. I'm glad you are feeling better. Steve is struggling but when I saw him yesterday he seemed to perk up during our visit. Jim is also doing better. There is a big correlation to what he is doing as to how much it hurts. He just finished building a fence and that jarring and hammering did not help at all. But he is done now so hopefully he will take a break. We are leaving for Education Week in Utah in the morning so that should give him a week and a little more with no heavy work. Thanks for your note this morning and for your concern!

    Love you....B

  7. Hi Nellie

    What great gifts you are giving away. I would like to be included in the giveaway. This summer has indeed when flying by fast. Fall is my favorite season so I am looking forward to it.

    Blessings & Love

  8. Hi Nellie, what a sweet thing to do. I'm especially excited about Fall. Halloween. Thanksgiving this year because we are finally close to our kiddos and kidlets! Thank you for the email earlier.
    :) CAS

  9. What a fun giveaway! I just love that little bird:) Please count me in!

    I'm glad that I read on today's post that you are feeling better. Summer colds are so miserable.

  10. Congratulations on getting to 100 followers! I'm always blessed by your posts, and so glad we're getting to know each other since we're almost neighbors. Please enter me in your generous give-away. May you now go on to reach 200 followers.

    Blessings and shalom,


  11. Hi Nellie, Your gift items are really cute, especially the little bird! How kind of you to have this giveaway. I would love to be included in the entrants! p.s. Enjoyed your Thankful Thursday post of 8/18. You have so much gratitude and peace and love in your life - thanks and praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!
    Blessings and hugs, Beth

  12. Just checked and I'm in the hat already...thanks for the reminder, just in case!

  13. Oh, I want to be included in the give-away. I'm so glad you've extended it until September.
    The items your gifting are lovely. My fingers are crossed...LOL.

    Til next time...God bless you.

  14. I remember I was one of your first followers. How awesome that you are up over 100 now. That is really cool! Love the colors of your giveaway items too. Beautiful!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...