Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Room Rearrangement

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you this fine rainy, dreary,
windy morning,  course, that is what my
weather is like today, maybe yours
is sunshiny!  Hope it is sunshiny.......
 at least in your heart!!

Last week I was watching the Nate Show and
found out.... I already do one of his suggestions 
for a quick and easy decorating tip, that cost
you 0 dollars................................

One thing I love to do with every season, and that
Nate suggests......... is moving the furniture around
 for a new look.  I have been doing that for years now.

The main room I move around now is my family
room,  (note the  header picture) cause it is the only
 room I can do by myself.
Before my pinched nerve, I could do others rooms, 
 but don't dare do that anymore, and must enlist help.

I have to say,  I used to wonder when I was younger
 why older people never moved their furniture around. 
  well,  I know the answer to that now...................lol

Just in case you don't already know you can click
on any pic to make it larger!!

In the Spring I have the room arranged with
the sofa looking towards the fireplace and
the big chair over by the fireplace and 2
captains chairs flanking both sides of the sofa.
I use pinks as my accent color and a lot of
whites too,  as this, and my header picture

The above picture starts the new look!!

Then when summer arrives,  I rotate the sofa to
the right where it faces the french doors to the
porch, so you can see outside cause the yard
usually looks nice and green and lush.

Most years, I add some shells and/or at least
 move around the table tops,  I had planned to do
 that this year,  but right after I moved the room around
we had the issues with the wedding situation,
so just never got back to it,  and by the time
I did I thought Fall is right around the corner

I also remove our fireplace tools for spring and 
summer and add greenery to the fireplace!

This picture was taken from the french door area looking
toward the front of the house,  kitchen on the left,  and
living room on the right.  (which rarely gets used I might add).
but do love that room!! The door in the middle is to the
foyer and where everyone enter thru the front door.

This was taken from the front of the house
looking towards the back,  I am standing
right by the big chair you can see in the
 previous picture.  It is now facing the
 fireplace with a lil table beside it.

You can just see the edge of the lil table here
and of course, the big chair,  we love this chair,
and the thing hubby loves the most is it and the
sofa all recline.  We have truly enjoyed that!!.
 Then  2 captain chairs from my dining
room set.  Makes a cozy lil area for chatting!

I sometimes think this is my fav arrangement
till I move it the next time...............lol

That is why moving your furniture is so much
fun,  cause you almost always like the new
way, cause it is such a nice change of pace!!

Just yesterday Nate featured two homes with
fireplaces that they painted white........I loved
that look and would love to paint our's white,
be still my heart,  but not sure hubby is gonna
go for it,  when I called him out to see it......
he sort of grimaced and didn't stick around
too long................if you know what I mean!!  lol

I know that look..........."Oh No,  she wants to
cover up this pretty brick!!!  lol
Why would she want to do that!!  It so natural
and pretty................true,  but it is also old
and tired and needs and update!!

Course, doubt you could ever undo it if you
wanted to.........I would do it in a second,
but then we have all dark woodwork and
dark slotted pine on the wall behind, so
think you might have to paint it all..........
not really sure I am up for that either!!

So maybe having a reluctant hubby is
a very good thing...............or I might be
redoing every pc. of woodwork in the

But hey,  if I had Nate's team of painters
and helpers if I got stuck................
I  just might really go for it!!   lol
and hubby might too!!  lol

For now I am content with my little room
rearrangement,  it is safe,  sure and 
sweet for this simple woman!!

Have a Super Sweet and Simple Day!

Love,  Hugs and
Rainy day blessings,


  1. It's really a great arrangement, Nellie! I think I understand why you "toy" with the idea of painting the fireplace...but I think you're realization of the difficulty of returning it to its natural state is good to factor in to the decision :)

  2. Hi Nellie, I love seeing your family room and all the different looks. Unfortunately, we can't really rearrage the furniture in our house or the previous house but I love to change up the accessories. Your home is so inviting-and the light is incredible. I talked to someone in Orlando this morning and they said you've had rain all week thus far...so sorry but I'm sure it gives you a break.
    Hugs today, thanks for sharing.
    Love, Noreen

  3. When I was a little girl, my mom moved furniture around all the time. She'd come to pick us up from school and we couldn't wait to get home to see our new place!
    You did awesome rearranging.
    I love painting bricks. Especially white! Well I paint everything white! LOL! Get a good primer. It will save you loads of time. I'm sure you can do it yourself. You don't have to do it all in one day. Maybe a week long project.
    Whatever you decide have fun!

  4. Looks great! I hope you have those pads you put under the furniture to move it easily!
    I moved my new love seat by my couch (90 degree angle) to get it away from Sarah's cat tower. The dogs don't get on the new couches, but Sarah jumps on it on her way up the tower. I have found her standing on it with her back feet as she scratches her tower with her front paws. I found a couple of tiny minute "scrapes." She has not been near the couches since I moved it away.
    Love to you all,

  5. The most important aspect of your home is one that I know you will never chage...the spirit of love, warmth, and hospitality that SPILLS forth from you and Jim. I love you both and feel thankful beyond measure to have spent time in that beautiful room not too long ago.

    It was SO nice talking with you yesterday. You are a blessing to me.


  6. Your home looks just like I would have thought!!
    It's lovely. I've reached a point where I don't have many move around options for the furniture, but I can change out the knick knacks!! Thanks for the pointers...

    Blessings, Debbie

  7. Hi Nellie! Your home looks so wonderful all the time! And I agree with what Patti said!! You make everyone feel so cared for and welcome...you truly are gifted that way!
    Love you!
    Talk to you soon!

  8. Nellie

    You sure have a decorators talent. Your family room looks like a picture in a magazine. I really need to rearrange and update my living room. I am going to change the rug out which will totally change the whole room.
    I think I better watch Nate too becasue I do not want to spend a cent.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...