Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 25, 2011

(Pics compliments of Better Homes and Garden magazines) 

Praise the Lord, O my soul.
I will praise the Lord all my life,
I will sing praise to my God as
long as I live.
Psalm 46:2

Greetings Sweet Peas,

So how has your week been???
Bright and Cheery, I hope!

Here it is again.........Thursday,
Really can't get over how quickly
these weeks go..............

It has been a rather uneventful week around here
but it has been a good week.  The highlight of our
week was Dee's birthday celebration, cause as you
know by now, we always love getting the family together!

Which makes me think of a thankful for my list

I am thankful
for the great birthday week she had...............
and the great time we had celebrating before and
after her birthday.  There is still one more tablescape
to come..................much more casual tho!
Will share it next week probably.

I am thankful
we were able to get a red throw for her, that she has on her
wedding registry,  but was discontinued.  She was disappointed
that they didn't carry it anymore,  but they had some left so
we were able to get it,  which wound up being a very nice
surprise for her.  


I am thankful
for this lovely young lady at Bed, Bath and Beyond,
that was such a help to me, when I was shopping for Dee's gifts.
She was the one who clued me in about the throw and she had 
such a servant heart and just went above and beyond!
She really blessed my day!!

I am thankful
I was finally able to get all my pics posted for 
Tablescape Thursday since I had already invested
a lot of time,  even if it was later than usual.

I am thankful
we got some much need yard work done that
was beyond the norm.  Not as much as I would
have liked but it is a good start.............

I am thankful
that it looks like hurricane Irene is going to
pass us by here in Florida,  will be even more
thankful once she has passed us,  but are sure
praying for those that have been in her path
already, and praying that she just goes out to
sea and doesn't strike anywhere else..

I am thankful
it is so nice and breezy here today,  don't know
if that is because of hurricane Irene or not,
but it is most pleasant!
(update:  just heard on the news this breeziness
and wind gust are due to the hurricane,  sorta
thought so......................)

I am thankful
for a full 8 hours of sleep last night,  cause that
is beginning to be a rare happening for me 
these days.

I am thankful
that my hubby went to talk with our neighbor
about the dog incident I told you about earlier
in the week,  and even tho, the neighbor appeared 
to be rather inebriated, he was very sorry, apolgetic
 and nice about it all,  and even showed my husband
 where he had put in a zip line run in, so he can keep the
 dog tied up to keep the dog in, because he keeps jumping
 the fence which is a 6 ft. wood fence. He said the german
 shepherd only does it when the Rottweilers does so......  I
 haven't seen hide nor hair of them since.  The neighbor also
 said if this doesn't work he might have to get rid of the dog.
Felt bad to hear that,  so sure hope the zipline works

I am thankful
to hear that a sweet lady that passed out in our worship
service Sunday morning, and who was taken to the
 hospital is fine and home resting.

I am thankful
that my hubby is enjoying his new job so much.
He is really enjoying the work atmosphere and the
things he is working on and is having good success.
He had several trying weeks in the beginning! 

I am thankful
that all of you that got the "Sweetest blog" 
award seemed so tickled and happy with it.
and thanks to all of you for your very kind
comments back to me.

Well,  that's a wrap!!  lol

Thanks for the your visit, and
love your sweet comments

Hope you have a 
Wonderous Weekend!

Love, Hugs and
No Hurricane Blessings,

Please.. if you are a follower and haven't been
by in awhile check out the Drawing I am
having on September 1st and let me know
if you want to participate!


  1. #1. I thank my LORD daily for our family! It's like a "mini" celebration that we as a church will have with our LORD in His Grand Heavenly celebration for us!
    #2. Surprises from our loved ones are always a joy in our lives!
    #3. It is so wonderful when we have so many of the LORD's people in different places to assist us with our needs (and wants!)
    #4. Your time invested was greatly appreciated in the beauty we all experienced!
    #5. I'll pass that one by, ha! Boddy shared with me that at least my yard was producing a lot of seed! Lol!
    #6. I've prayed and praised the LORD even as I rolled over in my sleep during the night! It makes me wonder if the LORD is sending a message to the upper seaboard of our country. First they had a very unusal earthquake up through this area and now a hurricane that will be landing in areas it hasn't done so in 30 years or more.
    #7. I can take the winds that are like those of a thunderstorm as it comes in different bands. It reminds me of the blessing the LORD has given us!
    #8. I know what you mean! My body has been dealing with being able to rest longer in the mornings. When I get up at 5:30 a.m., I just realized the LORD's leading me to retire. I can no longer get up so early. My stamina just can not do it anymore! I thank Him every morning for not having to do so anymore!
    #9. My zipline has done the trick for Xena! She stays in the yard if I'm out with her.
    #10. Thank you for sharing about this. My heart dropped when I heard, "Nellie." Your name is not so common these days, so when I heard the name, I immediately thought it was you! What a relief when I saw you standing next to Jim!
    #11. GOD's blessing of Jim to this company is greatly being seen!
    #12. Your blog is a gift to everyone everyday!
    I love you all very much,

  2. It is SO wonderful to see such blessings! May the Lord continue to shine favor on you.

  3. God's blessings to you multiply as you recount them to others. Thanking Him WITH you, Nellie.

  4. I'm so glad your husband is happy with his job. That's very important since he has to spend so much time there.
    I'm so glad you got the dog thing resolved for now anyways.

  5. Oh Nellie, I am so thankkful that Jim is liking his new job! Praise GOD!
    Please keep our friend Jacque in prayer as her Hubby needs a new job as well. Trusting our Gracious GOD to provide!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...