Thursday, August 11, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 11, 2011

I will extol the LORD at all times;
 his praise will always be on my lips.
Psalm 34:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How is the world treating you today???
Well, I hope!!

If you came by yesterday you know
I wasn't feeling real great yesterday,
which leads me to my number 1 thankful.

I am thankful
to be feeling much much better today!


I am thankful
for prayer, Alleve sinus medication,Vitamins
 B and C, moringa leaves, exercise and rest. 
 Cause I did all of that yesterday.... and
 I feel great today!  lol

I am thankful
for all the rain we have been getting this week,
dreary that it has been,  but great for the lawn
and does bring our temps down somewhat.

I am thankful
for a young friend we have who is doing the
"Love Dare" book, desperately, trying to win
 his wife back.  He is such a sweet kid, course,
 to us, he is a kid, but he is really a man!!  lol
But bless his heart,  he is willing to do what
ever it takes, and has been doing that for
awhile now..........

If you feel so led, please pray the Lord does
 a real work there.  I am so tired of seeing
 good people divorce, and they have 2 innocent
and precious children being devastated in the
wake of it all.....

I am thankful
for the convenience of water in our world.
Water to shower, do dishes, brush your
 teeth, wash your hair, flush your potty,
 water the lawn and plants, and of course,
 to drink and cook with and.... it is right at 
the touch of our fingertips.

Just recently we heard a story about
a little boy in Kenya (I think it was) that
had to walk 4-6 hrs. every day just to 
get buckets of water, but then not only 
did he have to walk all that way, and carry
the water back, he had to wait for hours
 until every one else got their water, because
 he was too little to fight for himself.

His whole day is spent just trying to
survive another day..................

Can you just even imagine that???
Breaks my heart to even think about it!

Oh we are so so blessed in this nation.

I am thankful
for the grace of God and the way He works
in the life of his people.  It is so exciting 
to see the Lord turn someone's life around.

I am thankful
that we got to have a great time with
Dee and Jerry twice this week.

I am thankful
for a cool, mock recipe my daughter 
told me about for making "Chick Fil A's"
chicken salad.  It is delish!

Anybody interested...........
 leave me a comment
and I will share the recipe with you!

Picture from "Life Beautiful" magazine, it is so pretty it
 takes my breathe away!!  

I am thankful
that God is so forgiving, and that he can
help us forgive, even when we feel like we
can't.............he is able, we just
 need to be willing!!

I am thankful
that God loves people so very much, that
he sent Jesus as a gift to us. To save us,
 not to condemn us, but to give us eternal 
life when we pass from this earth,  but also 
to give us a good life, filled with love, joy, 
peace and all the other fruits of the spirit,
 while we are still here on this earth!

I am thankful
I have figured out what to do for my
 daughter DeeAnna's birthday table, and
 gift, since it is coming up the weekend 
after next.  Always makes it easier
 when I figure that out early.

I am thankful
that God is in control of our world....
even at times when it doesn't look or feel 
like it...........He still is on His throne.
What peace and joy that brings to my heart!


If you are one of my followers, and a U.S.
 resident, but haven't been by since Wed.
August 10th, be sure and check out this post,
because I don't want you to miss out on
a chance to win my drawing.

 I want to Gift one of you sweet bloggy friends. 
Click on the italicized printed area  above that 
says (this Post),so you can read about it and
 let me know if you want to participate.

Thanks so much for droppin' in,
love hearing from you,

Have a Lovely Weekend

Love, Hugs and
Sweet day Blessings,


  1. #4 hits close to my heart. There is a young man in similar situation here...It looks to be "over", but it's NOT over until it's over!

    Happy to hear you're feeling better...and I WOULD love to have that chicken salad recipe!

    Today my contribution to a ladies' luncheon is a peach salad - spinach, goat cheese, fresh peach slices, pecans and homemade poppy seed dressing....I can't wait to try it!

  2. Those pictures are all gorgeous. I love the roses! I've been shopping for my 2 sisters birthdays too. It's quite a job. They expect big things. It's like a game of how well do you know me. And I always win. I have them both all figured out!
    You have a terrific and fun weekend!

  3. Hi Nellie

    I am so glad you are feeling better. My sinuses cleared up while I was at the coast. Once we got back yesterday I immediately started sneezing and have sinus headaches.

    I am interested in your chicken salad recipe. We do not have any Chick Fil a's here but ate a chicken sandwich when we were in Georgia and it was so yummy.

    I had a good dentist appointment this morning and just had a have a little filling replaced. I am still numb 2 and a half hours later. I was worried it was more of a problem than it was.

    Today is my last day of vacation so I am enjoying getting things caught up around the house.

    Have a great weekend!
    Blessings & Love

  4. Nellie, I'm a bad one to ask about cheese. Goat cheese (in my opinion) is not as "sharp" as bleu or feta cheese. To me it is creamy and wonderful. I wonder how others would describe it???

  5. #1. I'm so thankful you are feeling better too!
    #2. I'm thankful I rarily have to take anything, except for occasional tummy settlers!
    #3. I am not singing, "Rain, Rain go away!"
    #4. I shall surely pray for them.
    #5. It's not just water...many (10's of thousands) are dying of starvation. I pray the food being sent is not confiscated by the rebels.
    #6. I pray this for not just for others, but myself too. We constantly need to be aware of GOD's leading.
    #7. Quality family time doesn't stop when they leave the home! It is at this time it is even more important!
    #8. I've been watching some of the different chef shows on t.v., wow what great short timed recipes they have!
    #9. Wouldn't the world be a different place today if all could do that?!
    #10. We are so blessed when we see what has happened to so many others.
    #11. I can hardly wait to see it IN PERSON! Your pictures on your blog are always so pretty, but seeing it in person is so much better!
    #12. IT took me some weeks this summer to get that through my hard head; but I finally realized it through my daily devotions!
    Love to you all,

  6. SO glad you are feeling better! and I, too, would LOVE a recipe for anything that mildly resembles Chick Fil-A!! Yes, I am somewhat addicted and obsessed with Chick Fil-A....ha ha!! And now, I can have it a home!! What a deal:)

    ALWAYS love these posts - have a beautiful week ahead, my friend.

  7. Beautiful shares .. gorgeous florals.

    Would you be so kind to (& tell your friends) comment on my BLOG ONLY (emails don't count), for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  8. Hi Nellie! Love your thankful list, and your giveaway looks great! Such fun for the lucky winner!

    Would love to see you this week...mid week or later! I'll be in touch!
    Love ya bunches!

  9. I just love all those purple flowers! It is always so nice to visit and be reminded of things that I might take for granted. I've been watching reports of all those starving children in Somalia and I look at how much food we waste each week. It just breaks my heart. Thanks for coming to visit me...I always love "seeing" you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...