Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Irresistibly Sweet blog Award

Hello Sweet Folks,

So how are you this fine Tuesday!

I am honored and excited..........
just found out over the weekend that Patti from over at 
"They don't make them like they used to"
gave me this Sweet Blog Award, and I do mean sweet
cause that is what it is called "The Irrestibly Sweet
Blog Award".  How Cute!!
Thank You so Very Much Patti,  it was very
Special to me that you thought of me, and it was
appreciated very much.

I so appreciate Patti cause she is truly a Sweetie
herself.............we have kindled a friendship thru
blogging but sort of knew each other years before
because we attended the same church so we did
know each other just not really well,  but Patti
took a trip to Florida recently and we got to spend
 some time together and it was really lovely to
see her again,  and get to know her a lil better!
If you would like to check out her blog,
They don't make them like the used to
Click Here

Anywho,  I am suppose to tell you 7 things about
myself that none of you know about me!

I worked as what they would now call, a pharmacy
tech at one time.

I have never had any medical surgeries,  thank
the Lord!!

I am really a natural brunette, but became a blond
by mistake, but liked it, so I kept it!!  lol

I love the town of Savannah, Ga. and have only
visited once in the summer, but hope to go back
some time when it is cool weather.  Way too
hot in the summer for me!!  lol

I used to be very good at art when I was in Jr. High,
 and my specialty was mixed media collages.  That are
 made from torn colored paper, like magazines. 

I won first place in an Art Show with a starving dog
collage I made. My Art teacher was the inspiration,
she suggested it and gave me a picture to go by.
It made me proud but think she was even
prouder!!  lol
She used to work with my grandmother years
before she had me in her class,  so guess I was
a lil special to her cause of that.

I only have half and step brothers and sisters,
and one of my half brothers (the one I lived with
most of the time) and one of my step sisters has
 gone on to glory already! My brother had Lou
Gehrigs disease,  and my sister cancer.  Yall might
remember hearing about my sister as that was just
 last year

Now I am suppose to choose 12 people to bestow
 this award on..................

I will just tell you... that I feel like you should be
able to do whatever you want with this award.
So if you want to give it to no one, or to one
other person, or twentyfive people,  that is 
entirely your call!  Some of you may be award
 or tag free, so hopefully,  this will relieve
 your worries about dealing with it.  I totally
understand why you are, as it does take
some work!!  So just enjoy it!!

So here goes, these are my blog choices;
I have included their blog addresses so you can
visit and Congratulate them if you would like!!

1. Rebecca over at Life and Godliness

2. Cass over at an Oasis in the dessert

3. Poetic Soul over at I love this poetry

4.  Sue over at I need Mom

5.  Joanna over at Joanna's Journey

6.  Jo over at lazy on loblolly

7.  Diane over at Pittypat paperie

8.  Caroline over at shop cinderella moments

9.  Ginger over at we three bears
Click Here

10.  Jessica over at Mother Daughter Tango
Click Here

11. Rachel over at Inspired house of Wright
Click Here

Know I am suppose to do 1 more but don't know
if they would know who I am or not since I follow
 but haven't left any comments lately since they never
 leave comments either,  so am gonna stop here!

So if you aren't on this list, please don't feel bad,
because I love reading your blog as well, but  I'm
pretty sure you were probably on the list of one
of the two other blog awards I gave away within
 the last 2 years........... I like to try and get
 everyone that I correspond with,  if possible.
I like to be a fair and balanced Awarder! lol

Thanks for stopping by, always 
love to hear from you..............

Have a Blessed day!

Hugs, Nellie

Please make sure to 
check below:

If you are one of my followers, and a U.S.
 resident, but haven't been by since Wed.
August 10th, be sure and check out this post.
Click Here
because I don't want you to miss out on
a chance to win my drawing.
 I want to Gift one of you sweet bloggy friends. 
Read about it and let me know if you
 want to participate.

I have decided to extend the Drawing until
September 1, 201l, since many have been 
busy getting children ready to go back to
 school and enjoying their last weeks of
summer and haven't had time to visit
 around and I wouldn't want them to 
miss out..................
I will announce the winner on my 
Thankful Thursday post that evening!



  1. Hey there Nellie~
    Congratulations on getting this Award!
    You are one of the Sweetest Bloggers in all of Blogland for sure!!!
    Thanks for passing it on to Mother Daughter Tango too.
    Sending my love, Jess

  2. Well, how sweet! That IS a surprise, Nellie. Thank you.

    You certainly are a worthy recipient. And I learned many new things about you. (I think that is one of the nicest things about awards.)

  3. That is just so sweet of you, Nellie! I am very flattered, so "thank you" very much! I loved reading those interesting things about you. Still trying to visualize you as a brunette, because you look very natural as a blonde. You did miss one very important thing about yourself, but you would never write it so I will. You have the most compassionate heart & sweet nature of anyone I've met (virtual or in real life) in a very long time. I'm so happy we are friends!
    :) CAS

  4. Thank you I am honored!...you my friend are a sweetheart.

  5. Yours is definitely a sweet blog. I love coming by and reading your uplifting and kind words.
    Thanks so much for giving me the award too!
    Hey I became a blond by accident too!

  6. You definitely deserve a sweet blogger award, because you are definitely a total sweetheart!!

    Wow, who knew you were an artist!! You have an eye for creativity...no wonder your house is always so beautiful!!!

    I love Savannah too, though I haven't been there since the early 80's!! Way back in my single days, a couple girlfriends and I went up there for a few days. We loved it!!

    Love and hugs to you,

  7. Thank you! That is so nice and you certainly have a "sweet blog" as it always makes me feel good when I read it!

    We love Savannah and you are right, too hot in the summer. We are going to be there in October this year!

  8. Love ya gal, and know of no one else who would deserve this award more!!

    OK...now this mixed media thingy, we need to get together and create some stuff!! You have been holding out on me! I LOVE mixed media!!

    Hope your week is going well! I'll check in by phone a little later!

    Love n hugs,

  9. A sweet award for a sweet lady! I am still loving my Sunshine Award you gave me!!!! Congratulations to all who received their award from Nellie's sweet heart!
    Love to you,

  10. My goodness! I to have been under the weather and
    did not realize I'd won such a delightful award. Many times THANK YOU! Of course, you are so deserving of your award as you've always got a cheerful, loving spirit. I come by your blog just for a pick-me-up some days. Again, many thanks to you sweet Nellie.
    Til next time...God bless you real good.

  11. Nellie

    Congrats on your award. You are one of the sweetest people I know. You are so deserving. I still need to go on all the BLOGS and have a look around.

    It did not surprise me that you are good in art because you have a creative side about you. Now your hair color through me of a bit but I like it on you and you know it is true blonds have more fun....although my hair is a dirty blonde. LOL

    I enjoyed your blog today!

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...