Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 4, 2011

All pictures compliments Better Homes and Gardens magazines.

Hiddy Ho Sweet Peas,

Wow,  Thursday again already............
Where o where is the time going,
 I might add!! lol

Hope you have had a very good week!!

Our week has been good,  and one good and fun thing
we did reminds me of my 
I am thankful
for wonderful, heart warming movies that make
 me think and feel, and inspire me.  We saw a really
great movie this week called "The Lost and Found
Family".  It seemed a lil lame right in the beginning
but turned out to be just a wonderful story,  and
the ending,  well, you just might need your hanky,
but it will be for good tears!!
You can rent it from Netflix if you feel so inclined.

I am thankful
that the tropical storm Emily is no longer a
 tropical storm.........Yeahhhhhhhhh!
She has about blown herself out,
That is always happy news..............
Just hope the poor people of Haiti didn't
get hit too badly!!

Same pic equalized.

I am thankful
for the great time we had with Dee and Jerry
going to the conference and out to dinner
 this passed weekend.  To spend that time
together made it doubly fun for us!!

I am thankful
that Megan is finally feeling better,  she had
sort of a rough go of it after she had her wisdom
 teeth removed last Friday.  bless her heart!!

I am thankful
that I have found some nice goodies so that
I can have a "Get ready for Fall" giveaway soon.
to celebrate my 100th follower!
Stay tuned next week for details!
Sorry..... but it will only be for my
 faithful followers.

I am thankful
that when we were at the marriage conference
they talked about sponsoring children thru a
Ministry called  "Food for the Hungry".  I have
always had the desire to do that,  so we decided
to sponsor an 11 yr. old Ethiopian boy named
Nuredin.  I am very excited about it, as we can 
also communicate with him thru writing.

I am thankful
that Megan came over for a visit and to have dinner 
with us last night ,  and that she so much better,
still swelling a lil bit tho. 
  Scott is out of town and nice she feels
comfortable to come over for some company.

Same pic equalized.

I am so thankful
we were finally able to get new blinds for my kitchen and 
computer room.  Both were broken and couldn't be opened, 
 so what a thrill to be able to open and close them, not 
to mention how nice they look!!  Whoo Hoo!!

I am thankful
that I saw my disgustingly dirty kitchen window,
albeit a bit embarassing, it was all on the outside thankfully,
but the screen looked like a spider colony lived there, and
the window had big dirty streaks for some reason.
I couldn't see it before because I couldn't open the blinds
so it hid from me,  and pretty much from anyone else
fortunately, because of where the window is  placed.
Oh gross is all I can say..............
 but once the installer left 
I  promptly went out and cleaned it, and the whole
 porch area, brick, ceiling and the door.
Looks soooo much better..........nothing like gross
to get you in a cleaning mode.

I am thankful
for my nice clean kitchen window and clean
front porch.........................Still need to do
the outside window on the computer room too,
but it is too hot and it doesn't look anywhere
as bad as the other one!  Thank the Lord!!
Maybe tomorrow!!

Used this pic just recently but here it is posterized

I am thankful
that hubby just found out he is gonna get to
work from home tomorrow.  They are moving 
the offices around and they are having movers do it, 
 so they all get to stay home and work,  how nice!!  
Made him a happy guy!!

I am thankful
for a bright, beautiful,  sunny, blue sky day,  and for
an opportunity to sit and drink in the delicious sunshine.
It has been overcast and/ or rainy every afternoon
 this week, so feel like I am living in Florida again.......
course, I am grateful for the rain,  cause we do need it!!
just nice to have a lil break!!

Well, Sweet Peas
Happy Thankful Thursday!!

and Tell Us,

What are you thankful for?????

Hope you have a Funtastic Friday
and a Wunderbar Weekend!!  

Love, Hugs,
and Sweet Summer Blessings


  1. So much you're thankful for, I like people who are thankful for the big and small like you

  2. Hi Nellie

    I am so thankful that Emiley did not turn into a hurricane. I had you in my prayers.

    What a wonderful list of thankfuls you have. Spending time with our families is the best thing. I am to hear that Megan is feeling better.

    Spiders and webs are such a problem. Here in Oregon we have a lot of them. Every morning when I take the dog out back it seems like I walk through a web and then I do the spiderweb dance which I am glad no one can see.

    I think it is great that you are sponsoring a child. We have been a sponsor for about 2 years now. Our special one is 8 years old and in Kenya. We get letters that have been written by her teachers since she is only in Nursery school but she colors for us and that is the best gift we can get. Some day I would like to visit her.

    Have a great weekend! We are headed to the ocean for a few days to get some much needed rest.

    Blessings & Love

  3. #1. I have found myself falling asleep when I watch something that's longer than an hour, ha!
    #2. Triple yeaaaaaa! I was so glad to hear it.
    #3. I am so glad to hear they are doing well.
    #4. I surely hope Megan gets well quickly from her tooth extraction.
    #5. WOW, 100 people! Congratulations!
    #6. Alice sponsers a child. She has asked me to write the letter for her several times.
    #7. It's wonderful to have "parents" she can visit while Scott is gone. That's why it's so nice to live near family.
    #8. I may have to wait on getting my flooring done due to the 500+ drop in the stock market. It took a bite of $12,000 out of my several 403's!
    #9. I've got to get Mint going again. I've let it go for a couple of days! Now I need to sweep Dolly's hair up first. When I use it every day, I don't have to sweep. Mint can do it!
    #10. That's how my floors feel when Mint does its job. My feet can't believe how smooth the floor are!
    #11. It would be nice if they could give him 2/3 days at home!!
    #12. I went to pick up my mail, the sky was clear, yet I was being slighty rained on, lol!
    #13. Thank you for your visit today to my blog. I left you a message!
    Love to you all,

  4. Oh enjoyed reading your thankfulness list! I will add you to my blog roll and be a "follower". I don't have that on my blog but I do enjoy sharing friendships.
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  5. Gorgeous flowers and it is great to stop and reflect on the things we are thankful for instead of dwelling on negatives Ÿ

  6. Thank you for your comment on my blog this morning! Thank you for your prayers. I'm alive but extremely busy. But I'm sure you know about being busy! Hubby just came home last night after being gone for 6 weeks. Glad he's home in time to get Olivia down to school. I love the different pictures of the flowers in your post. Beautiful!!!

  7. Hi Nellie,

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your nice message. I had been on your blog getting caught up when it was time to run out for church. We go at 1:00. So I am back now. I read back to where my last comment appeared.

    Sorry I am just not on here as much as I have been. It has been a tough time with my brother sick and also busyness. Jim has also not been feeling well and suffering with arthritis in his hands. This is the worst for him because he works with his hands constantly. The Motrin makes him worse and he doesn't want to take anything the dilemma.

    Also this weekend coming up we are scheduled to return to Utah for a bunch of fun classes at BYU. But now I worry that he'll be uncomfortable. And that equals not as much fun for know how it is when your spouse is suffering. He works so hard and I wish he would just chill but he doesn't know how to do that. Case in point he has been building a fence for the past three days. Argh! Anyway frustrations here. It is never ending with him over working. And yet I am so grateful he loves work so much and gets so much done but not to the point where it is hurting him if you know what I mean.

    Still in all there is so much to be grateful for and to thank the Lord for daily, hourly, minute by minute. I always love your list. So sorry to hear that Megan had a rough go with the surgery. I hope she went to an oral surgeon instead of a GP. It can make a big difference.

    Glad you got your new blinds and I can totally relate on the windows. Mine are so dirty right now. No time to get it done so they will just have to sit like this a longer. The grossness is sure motivating, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!

    The conference you went to must have been great. Glad the kids could go along. The conference we are attending at BYU has five days of classes, over 1000 choices. I know there will be some excellent relationship classes. Looking forward to it. About 30, to 33 thousand people attend each yer. It is big and spectacular.

    I have been trying like crazy to get the June vacation blogged and finally finished last night. It was important for my family so I just kept plugging along. Then I put in all into its own blog and in chronological order so it is easy to read. You can see it on my sidebar. It has a Big Sunflower for a button and is called Sundancing. I was relieved to be done. I am not good at blogging things from way back in June. I like it to up to the minute. Perfectionism can kill a person! LOL!

    Well, I am going to try your waffles! They look Yummy. Glad you enjoyed Forever Young. You must see Letter to Juliet if you haven't. I loved that movie and the fact that we have walked the streets of Verona. Ahh, what a place. The story is enchanting you will lvoe it, so romantic and funny and sweet.

    Love you, girlie, and want you to know you are about one of five I comment on anymore. No wonder I cannot get any more followers. I am OK with that. My main mission is to write our family history and I love making the few good friends along the way too.

    Hugs all around to the family,

    PS You see from the length of this comment why I do not over commit to visiting very many blogs. :-O)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...