Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Memorial Day Weekend was such a blessing

Good Morning Dear ones,

I chose this picture because it looked peaceful and restful,
and that is what I need today. Not feeling too well and feel like I might be trying to catch
something! I am achy, have a sorethroat and feel like a block head, I want to go back
to sleep but my body hurts too much, so I figured I would work out some ot the kinks first then go back to bed.

My son's party was small but nice, and he was very surprised.
These sweet people went out there and even got rained on to do this for him,
the Lord was good to keep the rain away the majority of the time, and it
cleared up in the afternoon and they were able to go canoeing.

His Sunday School teacher made the cutest cake, and I wished I had
taken my camera. She made a square chocolate cake and had dyed coconut to make grass
and then made a lil tent out of construction paper, and had found these adorable little bears online, that were dressed in camping gear, one had a fishing pole, another holding fish, etc.
you get the idea. She had quite a few of the little bears
and she couldn't fit them all on the cake so she made cupcakes to surround the square cake
and each had a lil camper bear. It was adorable, and delicious.

Then we went and spent the rest of the afternoon with my daughter before she had to
go to work. Plus made a quick trip to Sam's to get things for Memorial day. Turned out to be
a fun day.

Then Sunday my nephew and his wife, and 3 children, showed up at church, we knew they
were in town but had not seen them yet. They live in Missouri, and are with New Tribes Mission. So they have quite an itineary while here, so we had been trying to find a time that
worked for both of us to get together. So we ceased the moment and ran to the store and
got coldcuts, potato salad, and fruit salad and quickly thru together a nice lunch. So we got
to visit with them for awhile. I felt for them cause one of their 2 yr. olds was sick and running
a fever, they have a set of twins, and then a 5 yr old. all adorable little girls!!

Hard traveling with children but especially when you have been gone for over 2 weeks or more and you are staying at different places, and they are not on their routine or in thier own
beds or eating the same things, or getting their naps as usual. And much harder when they
are sick. We will get to see them again next Sunday evening cause they will be speaking
at our church, and then will be headed back towards Mo. on June 4th. I have not seen
them in 5 years, and that was at my Son's Wedding, so you know how that is, not a lot of time
for visiting..

We had a lovely day yesterday, plenty of good food and fellowship, and key lime pie,
brownies and cookies. Yum!! My scales were up a bit today, course, we have not
exercised since Friday, and it is a rare thing when we go 3 days.

We really had so much fun yesterday, and yes, we remembered to pray for our troops
and the families that had lost loved ones, and especially for James as well.

The young couple that came, has a 5 mos. old baby girl, named Faith and she is the most adorable precious lil thing, she is just discovering her tongue and keep chewing on it and sticking it out, it was so funny to watch, and they also have an adorable, very well behaved
5 yr. old boy, named Austin. We don't typically have many children over, so that made
it a much more fun day. I think we are sooooo ready to be grandparents we just loved it.

We also loved watching all of our adult children sit in the floor and play legos with Austin.
I think they were quite enjoying themselves. I am mad I didn't get pics of them and
what they built, cause I was teasing them that they were gonna be in my blog today.

The day before my son and my nephew did that with his girls, and it was like old times,
they used to spend hours as kids, sitting in my sons room, hardly talking to one another,
building all sorts of stuff. I think it was a refreshing break and blast from the past for them.

Well, that was our weekend, and it was a darn good one, very enjoyable I must say.
Our hearts are full this morning, and hope your's is too!!

Thanks for dropping In,

Talk with you tomorrow hopefully,

Hugs and Blessings,

P.S. Sorry about the congestion of the writing, I tried many times to cause it to be
separated between paragraphs, but it just want do it, so I finally gave it up!!


  1. I don't know why blogger won't let us separate paragraphs. Sometimes I can and others I can't. So I put line of astericks in between sometimes to help separate it. I think I did that recently on my craft blog. Click on the sewing machine in my sidebar to get to it from my main blog. Also I usually carry my camera in my purse. That way I have it for those photo opportunities when they come up.

    You had asked me what I do. I am a COTA(Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant) and I work in a Skilled Nursing Facility in the Rehab Department. We are getting the reputation as being one of the better rehab places in our area. Hooray for us! That is why we are busy. Our caseload is staying up there thanks to our Admission person who stays in touch with the hospitals to have them send their patients to us.

  2. Hey Gal, I'm so glad your weekend was such a blessing!!

    Sorry that you are not feeling well, but will be praying for you!! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!!

    Love and hugs,

  3. Hi Nellie, I hope you are able to beat the bug you are fighting. Loved reading about the details of your weekend. Feel better soon.
    Blessings, Noreen

  4. i hope you start to feel better soon! being sick is no fun.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....