Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today is Thankful Thursday

Hello...............Hope you are having a great day today.

Welcome to "Thankful Thursday". Hope you are feeling Thankful for something in your life today! I try to look for things to be thankful for everyday, no matter what is happening because it makes you feel so much better and so much more blessed.

Sometimes when I am having a hard time being thankful, I force myself to go through the alphabet and try to come up with something for every letter. It is a good exercise I can assure you. It is an exercise that God would approve of since he said in His word "Be Joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Chris Jesus".
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Now I am certainly not perfect at it, but I have greatly improved upon it since I discovered the secret it holds. God is always full of surprises...........sometimes the things he tells us to do, just don't make sense to us, and many times we really don't want to do them, but I have found that when I push myself to do what I know God says to do (that is a lil thing called obedience, I believe) that He blesses the socks off of me. It is truly the pathway to Joy!

As soon as I am able to thank or Praise Him in whatever the circumstance, somehow everything looks much more hopeful, and I wind up with a lot more peace. Call me simple, but I know when something works, and Praising and Thanking God Always Works.

Thought I'd share some thoughts from my journal, and some pics from my backyard!!
Hope it will encourage your heart today, and if you can't think of anything to be thankful
for.........try the alphabet trick, A for apple, B for bread, whatever............ pretty soon you want be able to stop thanking the Lord.

Good Morning Lord,

Oh, how I love to sit in the coolness and beauty on the back porch - it is a quiet and beautiful respite of peace to me. I thank you for it - I love that all the flowers are blooming - it brings

such joy and gladness to my heart - the honeysuckle smells so wonderful, and the butterflies love it, and the lantana too. It is a delight watching them flit from one place to another.

The knock out roses are blooming like crazy and are breathtakingly beautiful. The aroma and abundance of the gardenias, and the beauty of the lilies and other roses are delightful as well. Thank you Father for flowers, green leaves, butterflies, squirrels, and unusual creatures like dragonfly's and buzz bombs, they are a wonderment to me and a delight as well. I enjoy so much watching as the birds drink and bathe in our birdbath - these simple things bring great and abiding joy to my life. Thank you for them, and for the cool breezes that make it so I can sit on

the porch this time of the year, and Lord, thank you for iced coffee, whoever came up with that idea made a great and fun discovery. The sky is so gorgeous today...........white clouds mostly with only a tinge of blue, a delight as well. Your handiwork is apparent everywhere Father,

You are alive and well, sitting on your throne in heaven, still creating everyday - the knowledge of your control over our out of control world is such a comfort to my heart in these trying days in which we live. Thank you for your goodness to us, as we live down here - knowing that this is really not our home!! We are only traveling thru...........Make us a blessing
to others around us.

In Jesus precious name,

Well.............. thanks for stopping by,

Blessings to You,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nellie!! You sure have a way with words, gal!! What a delight to read thoughts from your thankful heart, and look at your lovely photos!!

    Flowers just always make my heart glad!!
    Hope you had a great day!! Ours was busy with Keepers, but GOOD!!

    Love and hugs,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...