Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Friday and Memorial Day is coming

Good Morning Lovely Sweethearts,

Well, this will be an early post no doubt, since it is 1 a.m. and
I can't sleep so figured I might as well blog.
This sleep thing seems to be a cyclical thing, so I am pretty
sure it is hormone related. Hormones.......aren't they wonderful
lil jewels!! They sure do keep you guessing, so that
keeps life from being dull and boring cause you never
know what they are gonna do.

Have been thinking about Memorial Day and what I am going to make
food wise. It will be sort of traditional I guess, hamburgers, hotdogs, Potato salad,
and baked beans, chips and dip and brownies with cookies and cream frozen yogurt.
Probably a veggie tray and some fruit salad as well.

We are having approximately 12-14 people over. Some dear friends of almost 30 years, their adult son and his wife and children, and her sister and children, they are all friends of my adult son, and of course, he will be here too, and maybe my daughter and a new fella she has been hanging out with and is trying to decide if she wants to date him or not. She might let us
check him out to see what we think. I like that part!! ha

I am looking forward to a fun day of chatting, laughing, eating, playing games, and hanging out.
It should be a really fun day and maybe just maybe, it might not rain!!

But with all that said, and all the festivities and fun we think about having on Memorial Day, we really have to remember why we are celebrating it to start with,
It really isn't about the food and the fun, it is really about remembering and honoring our fallen Veterans who gave their very lives for our country.
If it were not for these brave men and women in uniform we would not have the freedoms we so often take for granted and enjoy today.

So before you take that first bite of food, make sure you offer up a prayer of Thanksgiving and gratitude for these dear men and women, and take some time to ponder the freedoms that you hold dear. Also be sure to say a prayer for all the brave men and women who are right now serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan. They need our continued support and prayers for safety.

We will definitely be praying for them cause the families that are coming
have a son/brother in Iraq as I type this. He is a marine, His name is James,
we would love for you to pray for him if you don't know of anyone that is there.

Happy Memorial Day to You!!

Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Sounds like a fun time for everyone!! I thought for sure we would wake up to sunshine this morning!! Oh well, we still need the rain, so I'm thanking God for it!!

    It is a good thing to remember at what price we enjoy the liberties we have and to pray for the families of the brave men and women who have fallen in the process. May God richly bless them all!

    Love ya,

  2. I hope you had a good time. I worked yesterday. So that was my memorial day. But we did visit the cemetery on Sunday. That was were I got the pictures for my Memorial Day post.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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