Saturday, September 12, 2009

Have a Glorious Sunday

(Somewhere in Maine, Appalachian Trail)

Good Sunday Morning to you, Sweet Friends,


Hope you are having a lovely morning,

and that your day just gets better and better!!


Also hope you have had a nice weekend,

ours has been pretty good. We repotted

some plants today, and moved 3 pots

around in the yard to make a nice corner

display with a hibiscus, mexican buttercup

and a spider plant. Looks pretty nice,

much better than what it looked like

before anyway! Grouted the edging on

our floor tile in the bathroom. So the

floor is officially finished, finally!


Hopefully this week we will be able

to start on the step, and maybe the

bottom of the shower. I am getting

weary of this!! Patience is flying out

the window!! lol I know that soon

we will be grouting, and I can hardly

wait for it to come!! I think we may

have to throw a party to celebrate! lol


Well, you have a glorious Sunday

and ponder this scripture in

Proverbs 21:2


"All a man's ways seem right to him,

but the Lord weighs the heart."


I learned a long time ago when I was in

my early thirties to question why I do things.

Since I was a very guilt ridden person for many

years of my life, I learned it was really a must

for me to ponder why I truly do things, because

many times we do things out of guilt or under

compulsion because someone else wants us

to, or tries to pressure us into it, when maybe we

really shouldn't be doing it, because we know we

have other things that are a priority.

We could do something for someone to get

something in return, or to impress someone,

or to make ourselves feel important,

or because of the should's, oughts and have to's,

The real reason we should be doing something

for someone is for one reason and one reason

only! We need to do it out of a heart of Love!!

The Lord doesn't want us to do things under

compulsion or out of guilt, or any self-serving

reason. He wants us to do things out of Love!

Pure and Simple!!


So check your motives,

it can be very eye opening!!


Have a Wonderful Day,


Blessings, Hugs and Love,



  1. Happee Sunday, Nellie!

    Your shower will be done soon, and you will have the satisfaction of a job well done, and a beautiful new shower to enjoy!!

    I love all of Scott's pictures! They are so beautiful! I'd love to see a collage of a bunch of them!

    Wow, power packed little nugget of wisdom there with the check our motives thing!! I agree wholeheartedly! It's something we all have to constantly guard, and ask God to reveal any impure motives. Thanks for the reminder!

    I'm still not all the way up to snuff, but I'm trying to ignore it!!

    Love you sweetie!
    Hopefully we can chat today for a bit!

  2. Nellie, it sounds like things have been good for you this weekend. I, like Becky, am enjoying Scott's photos...such serenity in all of them. I think that trip must have been just what the doctor ordered for him.

    I am hoping for a good week ahead for us all. Thanks for your thoughts on our reasons for serving others. If it isn't from the heart...well, it just doesn't work.Our motives cannot be hidden from The One for whom they matter most!

    Hugs, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie