Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Part 6 of the "Flooded House"

(Yet another reminder photo)
Hi There..........Sweet Friends,
So how in the world are you doing today???
Fine,  I hope!
 I am having a good day,  but one of those
clumsy,  dumb things happening days,  like I came in off
the porch to refill my kitty's water bowl,  but still had my
jammies on,  so when I walked around the counter to go
back out,  the cabinet knob decided to play a lil trick on me...
It grabbed my robe and jerked me back and threw
water everywhere!!  And I thought this is ridiculous! lol
And a while letter I had another stupid thing like that
happen while in the kitchen and more water everywhere,
So guess today is my water torture day!!
Well,  it reminded me I need to get on with the rest of
 my  "Flooded House" story,  so maybe that was the point.
  I promised my sister-in-law I would not touch her camera today.
However,  I have been tempted a few times but then I remembered
 my "smushed faced Camera" from Miss Butterfingers a few
months back,  and the temptation quickly went away!!  lol
So on with my Story........................
After I posted the last time and reread it,  to my dismay I had
left out the most important part of the story.  Think I got
interrupted by a phone call and totally forgot to put it in.
Anyway,  when the man came to put the carpeting in ,
he had to of course,  take up the old carpeting and padding,
 and when he did we discovered that there was mildew all in the
 padding underneath where our bed was sitting,  so the water had
 wicked it's way all the way over there.
 So guess who knew there was mildew under our bed,  certainly not us!!
 But the Lord knew and he saw to it that they decided to recarpet
 that room and the closet as well,  which probably also had mildew cause the
water had run under the kitchen cabinets and into our walk in closet too.
Well,  we are now up to the end of October 2001,  Oct. 23rd to be
exact,  and the new Contractor finally started in on our kitchen.
We felt a lil like the movie ET.  Remember how they came in and
put up all those plastic partitions in their house because of ET!
They did the same thing between our kitchen and family room,
Thankfully,  the dust is just amazing and the sawdust once they
start having to tear out  the cabinets and saw anything.
 The Contractor did a phenomenal job!!!  In just 4 days he was
finished.  He knew what we had already been through with the
other Contractor,  plus the lil altercation we had with him as
well,  so think he really went out of his way to do that!!  It
was sooooooooo appreciated.  And again he did an amazing
job as you will see below,  course, yall have already seen
pics of my kitchen before but here is one taken from the
Family room.

It didn't quite look like this yet, cause we still had the old floor,
cause they had to stop it right where the breakfast nook is,
and we still had the old wallpaper up. The kitchen did not have
 this table,  we had a square drop  leaf oak table,  didn't have that
goose neck faucet then either, and the kitchen counters were also
 arranged differently......
But even tho,  it was gorgeous to us!!.
The next Wed. on Oct. 31st,  we got our kitchen floors.
We were way more normal that we had been in months,
and we were happy, happy campers,  and I was in love
with my new kitchen,  and couldn't wait to see it with
my new wallpaper up!!  and gussied up the way I
wanted it,  so we still had more things to wait out.
We were at a stand still for a few weeks then on
Nov 19th,  they finally came to put up the kitchen
 wallpaper for us.  That was such a blessing cause we
were tired from working in the house so much with
painting, and moving stuff,  and reoiling the baseboards.
The man that did our wallpaper did a phenomenal
job as well,  he and his sister-in-law where both so
nice.  We found out that he probably did our original
wallpaper when we bought the house,  cause he used
to work for our builder back then.  I have these vertical
blinds in my kitchen that I just slide the wallpaper in,
so I wanted to do that again,  cause I really like it
and it is sort of unique.  The wallpaper man was
so enthused over them,  he cut all the wallpaper for
me,  so all I had to do was put it in,  but the condition
was I had to have it done by the time he came
back to wallpaper the bathroom.  That was so very
nice of him,  above and beyond I would say!
We all had some very nice chats about the Lord too!
The next morning our Contractor came back to
replace our bathroom vanity because it too was
water damaged.
The day after,  we left to go to Gainesville for
Thanksgiving with our friends.  We told them we
had our kitchen back,  but they said they wanted
us to come they were all looking forward to it,
as were we,  of course.
I have to say it was a lil hard to leave because
we finally almost had our nest back together,
but it was a Joy to come home to!!
Then on Dec. 14th,  they came back and did our
bathroom wallpaper,  and got to see the blinds
with the wallpaper in them,  and he thought
that was soooo neat!!  He did a great job
on the bathroom wallpaper as well.
We felt like kids in a candy shoppe,  and all
we could think of was that scripture that says
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly
 above all that we ask or think, according to the power
 that worketh in us"
Ephesians 3:20
I had asked,  he had heard and done exceedingly,
abundantly more than I could have ever dreamed.
This was all an early Christmas Present,  I don't think
I have every felt so blessed by the Lord,  or so loved,
because He cared so much about what I cared about!
We had a Wonderful Christmas,  and unbeknowst to us
we had another surprise coming,  but this time it was
not what you would classify as a good one!
I will leave you there dear ones,  and hopefully,
be able to finish up the story next time.
Hope you have a wonderful evening.
I had a half pot of Kale leftover,  so I am adding some
potatoes and chicken broth to it to make
Kale and Potato Soup,  am also making roasted
parsnips and carrots,  and waldorf salad,  and ham filets.
Am I making you hungry........I am making myself hungry,
I can hardly wait!!  Yum Yum!!
Thanks for stopping in,
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Your soup sounds PERFECT for a cool fall day - like we are having! I have to admit I've never really had kale in my potatoe soup but it sounds so rich and filling!! Have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!

  2. The pictures of your kitchen are great! Love the flooring! How sad the first picture is with all the water! But you have a beautiful place now and wonderful friends to spend the holiday with while you were dealing with the contractor!

    The soup sounds yummy. Recipe, maybe???

  3. Hi Nellie! I remember hearing bits of the flood story back when it happened, and praying for you then! Who knew it would be such a blessing in the long run!!??

    I have had the knobs in my kitchen grab me, too but it has never caused any real problem! Glad you didn't fall!!

    Your leftover kale soup sounds great! I made potato soup the other nite and will be putting up the recipe in the next day or so! It is soooo yummy!!

    Love ya! Talk with ya tomorrow!!

  4. Hi sweet friend, Loved seeing the before and after photos-so glad that the Lord provided for you completely-especially in your bedroom as you could have gotten really sick.
    The soup sounds so yummy-I've never made potato soup before from scratch and never tried Kale in any soup-but I know you are a Prov.31 gal so I can just imagine how tastey it is.
    Hugs to you today.

  5. my goodness you just made me hungry too! lol. what a story about your flooded home and all the repairs!

  6. I know it's been years but the thought of having a “wet house” is hard to deal with. Especially its aftermath. It would destroy not only your personal belonging, but the whole house as well. But in any rate, have you considered resorting to house restoration?



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie