Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Sept. 10, 2009

( Some flowers my honey bought me last Fall)
Good Morning Dear Friends,
It's a bright sunny morning out there,
up to 87 degrees already and it is just
11:45 a.m.
I went out about 8:15 and worked for over
and hour but it was 75 then and 80 when I
came back in, those temps. climb quickly.
Especially once the sun comes out.
A little while later was passing the window
and it was raining fairly hard, but sunshining
like everything, that is a rare thing to see,
but neat!! Didn't last but about 10 mins. tho
and it is still shining brightly.
Hope things are shining brightly in your
neck of the woods too!!
So on to Thankful Thursday...............
I am thankful for
Evenings that are finally starting to cool
off a bit, soon we will be able to go walking
outside instead of doing videos, the bike and
the gazelle, that is always a much needed change.
I am thankful that Jesus is not only my savior,
but my best friend, He is always there, and
never fails me or deserts me.
That our 1st Sunday School class seemed
to go well. It is such a good book, and it is
so chock-a-block full of good information,
that it is hard to pick and choose what to
teach, and what to leave out, cause you
don't want to leave anything out!!
We didn't get out of chapter l . Maybe
next week we will and hopefully start
into chapter 2.
That we are going to get to watch our
Rosie, my daughter's lil longhaired
chijuajua. We are in love with her,
and we don't get to watch her that
often, so it will be fun having her
for the week. Could be a bit crazy
too, since she, Joey and Molly do
not like each other. Course, nothing
like a common foe to make for teamwork,
Rosie and Joey will actually team
up against you guessed it "the Cat"
Poor Molly, she is probably in for
a rough week.
That hubby and I are gonna go out this
evening to the mall looking around to
get out a bit, and I am gonna look for
clothes. It would be nice to find something
I need and that I really like.
Course, if I don't really need or like it I want
buy it anyway, which means I come
home with nothing!! pooh!!
Also, that hubby doesn't mind shopping
with me, that is nice, and I know most
guys really do not like it, but that is a
great blessing, and fun for me!!
That I got to see a lil boy named, Blue yesterday.
He used to live with his grandmother across the street
and used to come over and visit with me from time
to time. He is a sweetheart and has had a very
tough life. He is 9 now and in 3rd grade ,and is
sweet and cute as ever, hadn't seen him
since May. Have missed seeing him, and pray
for him quite often. I haven't thought of praying
for him lately, so it was a good memory refresher
as well. I pray the Lord keeps him safe and
keeps his hand on this precious lil soul.
That hubby completed a project at work,
that he has been working on for a year and
a half, and he is so excited about it, because
it will really be a nice improvement, that
will help people in the work force.
It is so gratifying to finish something
like that, especially when you know how
useful it will be, to make a job easier
for other people. He works with computers
by the way, he is an engineer that
absolutely loves his job!!
Which is really another praise!!
that would be #9
I am grateful for God's word and how it
keeps us grounded, and how it directs
us, instructs and teaches us.
What a blessing to know Gods word!
Well there you have it folks,
Leave a comment and
let me know what you are feeling
grateful for today!!
Have a good evening dear ones!!
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Hi Gal!! I am SO thankful that I feel almost 100% healthy today. Those sick days can be such a drag!! The first half of the day I didn't feel well, but I think it was just my body getting rid of the last of it!! YAY! I'm also very thankful to be a child of the King!! And for all that the Lord is doing in my life! Just amazing!

    Love ya! Hope your Friday is awesome!!

  2. great list once again! hope you are enjoying the start to the weekend! it's been pouring rain all day long and cold!!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie