Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Fall Ideas

Good Morning Dear Hearts,
Hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday!
I have plans to go to a friends house today for
lunch,  and I am really looking forward to it.
Last night we got to see our Children's Pastor
get officially ordained,  it was a very sweet service.
We are so proud of he and his wife,  and so glad
all that hard work of studying is behind them.
We are very blessed to have them at our church.
Wanted to share some more ideas today,  that
I think are mostly 0 $$ ideas.  On Friday I will
 share some more ideas, but those will be inexpensive ideas.
Thought I would tell a little about each thing because
I know when I read things sometimes it spurs an idea
in my own mind of what I can do.
The thomas Kincaide pic in the back was cut from a
puzzle box and I happened to have that matting so
I just taped the picture to the matting and put it on
the easel.  See where the fall colored plate can be
used to put your potpourri on. See the napkin used to
just bring some extra color and texture.  Many times
 you can pick napkins up on sale in discount stores to use
 all over the place. I have had the hummel for almost
40 years,  my hubby bought it for me when we lived
in Germany way back when we were still newlyweds.
  Isn't he cute with all the bunnies.
On the header picture you will see the welcome
basket on the wall,  I crossstitched  that basket
years ago to go in my old kitchen,  but now I just use
it for Fall.  Also the lil Thomas Kincaide house was
a gift from a dear friend.  I love decorating with
items that I have rec'd from loved ones and friends,
cause they give me a case of warm fuzzies!
You can always raid your children's rooms
for  inexpensive decorating tools as well.
This was my daughter's bear and doll baby
high chair.  I made the scarf for his neck,
from fabric that I also made a table runner
and napkins.  A sweet friend gave me
the lil book,  so I placed it and the apple there.
Since I don't have lil ones or grandchildren yet,
I like to keep things around for when I do have
children visit our home,  so they feel special
and at home, and they can also be a fall or
Christmas or anytime decoration.  I need to move
some of the white and pink ones out for Fall.
Oops,  forgot about that!!
Another idea in case you haven't thought about it,
 is to put magazines in a basket with a napkin or some fabric,
 and put the magazines with Fall colors on top,
or whatever color for whatever season.  Easy but just adds
that lil bit of extra color of the season.
Now  this looks a lil dorky cause it is too small,
(just thought the pic would show you what I mean)
but if you have a large napkin or can take some
material and make a big enough square,  it adds
 color to a lamp shade or you can also tie
some wide ribbon around a small pyramid style
lampshade and let the tails hang down and it
looks quite nice.
Or maybe you have some sort of statue
you can add a floral pick or some flowers
onto it to bring some color.
This isn't a real clear picture but hopefully
you can get the idea of how you can just
add some berries and maybe a candle
to add just a lil color of the season to
your china hutch or shelves.
Just a few touches with a pumpkin knife spreader
and a card that has fall colors.

Just tied a ribbon onto this little planter thingie
and filled it with potpourri and it hang on my window
It just loops over the window lock.  Love the way
it looks.  Tried to take a picture of it but it was
to glary from the outside light,  maybe I will
try again,  and do it on my next post.
These are just a few more china hutch or shelf ideas.
See the greeting card.......believe it or not it was a
Christmas card I have kept for years,  but I keep it
with my Fall decorations,  cause it doesn't look
Christmasy to me,  but it is beautiful!!
Also,  the little pumpkin looking gravy boat
I think it is,  I got 2 at Target in their $1 area a
few years back,  I have put tea light candles in
them,  and cream and you could put butter, syrup
 or really whatever you want.  I just thought they
were too cute to pass up.
Well,  hope maybe I have given you some inspiration
to get started if you needed it,  or just brought a lil
fun to your day!  If you get stuck always remember
to ask The Greatest Creator for some inspiration
and fresh ideas............He never runs out!!
He is my biggest Helper!!
Happy Home and Hearth Decorating,
Have fun !!  That's the point!!
Love, blessings and hugs, 


  1. Cute ideas, Nellie. I love decorating with gifts from family and friends too. It is always fun to remember the person who gave it to you and I also love buying thing for our home as we travel. I don't mean the little souvenir stuff from specific places but more the things you run across that remind you of the place or the occasion without having Hawaii printed on it!

    I also feel that if you truly love it you can find a place for it. However, it doesn't mean keeping everything you love out all the time. Rotation keeps on giving and you don't get tired of things as quickly that way.

    Accessorizing is the icing on the cake and what decorators love most. I think maybe I'll do a post on it one of these days soon too.

    Have a fun day!

    Love, Bonnie

  2. very cute decorating ideas! everything looks great.

  3. Your little oblong pillow on the couch is wonderful! Everything looks wonderful. :)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie