Monday, September 21, 2009

More Inexpensive Fall Ideas

(This is in my hallway)

Hi, I am joining in on the Fun
of the Welcome Fall Party @
I hope you will visit her lovely
blog and check out all the great
Fall decorations.
Happy Fall Everyone!!
Happy Monday Dearies,

Trust you had a great weekend.
They fly by so quickly don't they!!
Ours was good,  got the lawn mowed,
did a lot of talking with hubby. Tried to rent
to movie "what about Bob" ,  we haven't seen it
in years,  and our Pastor happened to mention it
in his sermon last week as an illustration.  Our
Blockbuster didn't carry it,  so guess we will have
to get it from the one across town,  if we really
want to see it again.  I actually don't remember
too much about it,  just that it was funny!!
Sunday school went well,  had a lot of good
comments from our students this week.
Also our Pastors sermon was like putting the icing
on what we taught in class.  So think the Lord
is really  trying to teach us something!!  lol
Have you ever noticed that how when the Lord
does want to show you something,  it seems like
everything you read or hear has the same message
or the same scripture.  When that happens we sure
need to sit up and take notice!!
Well,  have some more ideas for you today,
cause I know it is hard to believe but tomorrow is officially Fall!!

This is not a real pumpkin,  it is one of those fakes from the craft
store!   I know,  I know...........I love real pumpkins too,  but they
don't hold up the whole season,  so I decided about 5 yrs. ago to
just invest in one of these.  So I put it on a platter and then put all
these small pinecones and apples and nuts and things that came
off old candlerings I had, and threw some real grapevine on top.
Sometimes I put the platter on top of a cake stand,  just depends
on where I want to put it,  most of the time I put it on the dining
room table,  this year I did something different,  but I do use
it when we are eating dinner,  I swap the arrangements temporarily.
Cause the other one is too tall to see over!
Oh Yea,  a few good ideas for pumpkins!! Once I sprayed
a real pumpkin with gold spray paint,  just the top part
where you could still see the orange on the bottom part.
Looked really neat.  Then this weekend I saw on someones
blog (if you are that person- leave me a message cause It
was my first time on your blog and I don't remember the
name of it) anyway,  she has gotten 3 faux pumpkins
at the $1 store and sprayed them with copper spray
paint,  they were a vision to behold.

Here's a shot of it on the table.  Did you notice in the header
picture the lil jeweled pumpkins and the greeting card on a lil
plate stand.  That mirror is destined for our bathroom when it
is finished so figured I might as well put it to good use for Fall.

This floral arrangement is what I actually have on
the dining room table but just had it here while
we had dinner.  The urn usually just has grapevine
bushes in it for normal use,  and I left them in
but just added some flowers from the cut up
floral bouquets I had bought,  remember the
ones in the white pitcher from my other post.
All you have to do is stick them in one by one
and if you don't like something take it out
and replace it.  If you haven't done florals
before sometimes it just takes trying a few
times.  Maybe you can even find a pic
of something you like the looks of and find
silk flowers to match,  or live ones for that
matter.  I love live flowers the most,  but
don't know that I want to spend $$ on that
up until Dec.,  so silk makes more sense $wise.

Here is a heart shaped wreath I made by taking a swag
of flowers and just bending them into and tying them
together with a pipecleaner (the long ones) then added
a nice bow.  I did this cause I had 2 that I found years
ago for like $3.00 each.  One I used over a picture,
so I wanted to do something different with the other
one.  That worked!!  They are the same yet a lil
different at least!  And you know how I like flowers!!

I use two of my dining room chairs for seating in
my family room.  The seats are cream as you can
see so I added a napkin to the top of each seat
to add some color.  I have red gingham ones I
use at christmas time.   The fabric matches
the table runner on coffee table.  Shows up
better in person. Works best on chairs that
don't get sat in a lot!  Course,  all you have
to do is straighten it afterwards!

Heres is the other swag over some fairly new
pics I found 2 yrs ago at walmart,  you will
see the other one in another pic.  I just loved
them,  and they added a lil bit of a tuscan
feel for a change.
See the rounded topiary  and where I just
added some apples, berries and ribbon to it to
make it festive,  and then I have a metal
basket just filled with pinecones and a few
berries.  Love my sofa table,  my step brother
made it for me.  He is quite good with making
things,  they are just beautiful.  He made my
sister a roll top desk out of oak,  just gorgeous
and quite a hard job I would think.  He now
does all sorts of building and things as a
permanent job.  He used to be a Mgr. for
in a dealership for car repairs,  and was very
good at it,  but likes this way better!

And it's always nice to have a little welcome
 sign to hang somewhere,  and many times
you can find them pretty inexpensivley
at Joann's, Michaels,  walmart or Target.
 Especially if you are buying now or once fall starts they
start to discount stuff pretty rapidly I think!

And don't forget those out of the way places like the top
of your china hutches, cabinets or armoires.
Just a fall colored plate on a plate stand and greenery
and a vase with similiar colors makes a nice fall
still life.  Also remember to use odd number of items;
like 3, 5 or 7,  it is much more interesting to look at
than 2, 4, or 6.  It is best if you can vary the sizes
and heights,  or sometimes now with the modern
look you can put 3  or 5 of the exact same thing and
it looks great as well.

Here's another idea for on top of cabinet or a sofa table
even.  This is the other pic,  I found these at walmart
for just $10.00 each,  they look so nice for the fall,  but
if you happen to have earth tones you can use stuff like
that all year round.  Another metal basket full of pine
cones and berries,  Think I have had these babies about
10 years and I just love them.  Another great find from
Ross Stores.  The large garden candleholder I got for
Mother's day this year from my daughter,  actually,  I picked
it out because I had to return some really cute  jamies she got
 me that were the right size but the pants were huge for some
strange reason and they were all like that.  So had been
eyeing this candleholder for awhile, and it was finally
down to a decent price,  so I thought that baby is
going home with me,  and I was delighted!!

Well,  here is a couple of pics of the total look all pulled together.

Well,  hope you enjoyed your time with me today,
and I hope I have sparked some creative and imaginitive
ideas in your heart and mind.
I truly believe the home is one of the greatest influences
on the character of mankind,  only after the Lord,
of course,  but I believe the atmosphere of the home
needs to be one of peace, love, joy,  and beauty, 
it should be a haven for our families to gladly come
to for solace and enjoyment,  and to know their is
someone that loves them here!!
I also don't think you have to have the best of everything
to create a nice cozy and homey place ,  I think the Lord just
wants you to do the best you can with what you have,
and in the U.S.  we have plenty to work with compared
to everyone else in the world.  We have to look at
what we do have, and be grateful for it,  and use it
to the max.  There are tons of blogs with incredibly
gifted and creative ladies with tons of ideas,  so
if you need more help check out some of those blogs.
I have a few listed on my sidebar,  one of my favorites
is my romantic home,  Cindy has exquisite taste,  but
has amazing creativity and great ideas.  It is a fun blog
if you like decorating.
You have a good evening,  and a good day tomorrow.
Lord willing I will share Part 6 of the "Flooded House"
tomorrow.  See ya then..............
Love, hugs, and blessings to you all,


  1. once again very cute and pretty fall decorations! love your ideas :)

  2. Everything looks so pretty! I have a fake pumpkin also! I love the real ones but like you, they don't last all the way to Thanksgiving! Love the autumn welcome sign, very lovely! You did a great job!

  3. Your Fall decorations are looking great! I don't have any of mine out yet. Don't know if I will be able to. My living room and dining room are such a chaos right now. I have emptied the sewing room/office closet and guess where most of that stuff is. Yep. In the living room and dining room. Next step is to clean the walls and start painting in there. Check my craft blog for more on what I am doing in that room.

    Thanks for the anniversary blessings. I decided to share my wedding pictures again this year, since I have new blogger friends like you that have not seen them yet. And yes, I am so looking forward to seeing my kids again. I really do miss them terribly. Can't wait! 32 days from today before we go. Whoopee! I am counting down the days. Thank you again for you fun visit!

  4. Hi there
    Your fall decorations make your place look so cozy. You have great ideas and I love table your step brother made for you. Its beautiful and I like everything you've put on it. The pumpkin centre piece is adorable....thank you for sharing...
    enjoy the rest of the evening...and come by and visit when you have some time.

  5. Hi Nellie
    I like the sweet fall touches you have added to your home. The overall look in your dining room is so cosy. Thanks for joining the party.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  6. Hi Nellie, Love seeing all your fall decorations-your home is always so inviting. So glad we can visit even from a distance.
    Hugs today,

  7. Stopping by from the Fall party. I love all of your Fall decorations. That little sign is just perfect!

  8. I love the idea of painting some pumpkins with copper paint. I have been slowly getting my stuff done..a little here and there. yesterday I worked on my dining room table centerpiece. I agree with you wholeheartedly that the Lord expects us to create the best environment for our families that we can with what we have and can afford. it makes all the difference in so many things when home is a nice place to be.

    Have a good day, Nellie!

  9. Seeing my home is this post causes me to reflect on how much I appreciate your God-given gift of turning one-bedroom apartments, other apartments, the houses we have lived in, into beautiful "homes". They have provided for me and our children a wonderful sanctuary and retreat away from the world! Again, Proverbs 18:22, I have received favor from the Lord with a wonderful wife!

    I certainly do not want to take all the beauty that you bring to my world for granted! However, I also realize that the beautiful "homes" are only a small facet of the beauty you bring to my world. So, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

    With All My Love,
    Your Hubby...

  10. Wonderful fall decorations. I too sometimes use faux pumpkins/gourds -- I've had real ones ooze and oozing vegetables are not good for antique tabletops. Some of the faux ones are amazingly real.

  11. Hello and Happy Fall
    Sometimes you just have to use fake...especially if you want to make an arrangement on a table or piece of furniture. It all looks good

  12. Weeelllll..shoot! Did someone say that it wasn't alright to have "fake" pumpkins? Because ALL of mine are fake right now. I may get a couple from the store when they begin coming in..but...I ALWAYS like the faux ones. I wouldn't give mine up for anything. They are special to me and I have had some of them for YEARS! :):)
    Yours are lovely! :)

  13. Everything looks so nice! I love your table all set for fall...and especially your centerpiece in the urn! I think I will look into one of the those fake pumpkins...yours looks real! Hope you are having a great week!

  14. Hi Nellie, all your pictures are so sweet. Love your pretty table.

    Happy fall!

    Barb :-)

  15. Super nice, I love all your little touches. Your dining room is beautiful !

  16. Very nice fall decorations. Happy Fall!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie