Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a blissfully delightful morning

Afternoon Sweet Folks,
What a delightful Morning it has been,  woke up to 61 degree
 weather.............It finally feels like Fall in Florida!!  Yea!!
 Don't think it will last too long,  but,  Ooooh how welcome it is,
 actually it is 81 degrees now at 1:46p.m.,  but still feels quite nice out.
In honor of the first real day of feeling like Fall,  I celebrated!!
That pumpkin pie with the whip cream and nuts and coffee
was my breakfast this morning.  It was delightful I must say.
I just love pumpkin pie!  and since it is a veggie you can have
it anytime your lil heart desires,  well,  almost!! lol
Definitely a better choice than most treats at least.
I should have worked outside this morning,  but just couldn't
seem to get motivated,  think it is because the lawn needs
mowing which we will do this evening,  if it doesn't rain
again.  I am more motivated when it already looks nice to
trim things and make it look even prettier,  so hopefully
tomorrow is the day,  cause we have lots of stuff that needs
pruning!  I am sure the plants are not fond of seeing me
coming with those ominous looking shears.  Poor Dears!!
Well,  remember I told you I would show you the cute
things I got at Old time Pottery.  Well look below
and you will see,  a great lil village of three!

They are really lil gift boxes,  but I plan to use them
as decorations instead.  My hubby just loves lil villages
and we have thought of getting the lil porcelain ones
we have so many Christmas decorations we have
no idea where we could put them,  so thought he
would enjoy these,  that way we can put them any
where and they don't have to be plugged in.
Also found these cute candy apple red
luminaries for a song.

I will be used outside the front door or on the porch.
They have nice brass looking bucket type handles,  so
they could be hung up somewhere if necessary too.
Just loved the red finish they have!

Also found 2 of these plates.  I know they are not Christmasy
but I just loved them for some reason and I like to use
plates when I decorate.  I would love to have a set of
these to dine on,  but unfortunately,  they only sold them
separately.  I think they are an old Gibson pattern that
is out of stock now.
Remember I told you I had to find a place of honor for the
nice things in my goodie basket from my friend,  well,  I
did that this morning,  and here is what I did with it all.

I did have a sunflower colored gold salad plate with just the
potpourri on it,  so I used my new plate and the cute pumpkin
from my basket and just surrounded it with the potpourri.
Thought it came out rather cute.

Put the cute lil candles at the bottom of the TV with some
of the leftover ribbon.

Cute leaf salt and pepper shakers,  I used one on
top of the fireplace doors and the gift tag as well.

As you can see I put the other one in the china hutch.
I can use them on the table anytime as well.

and here's one of the cute kitchen towels
hanging on the oven door.

And the basket became home for my fall magazines.
Doesn't it look pretty by the chair.
Made my day all over again!!
It is the gift that keeps on giving all Fall Long!! lol
Well, that is what I have been up to today,  plus I talked
to a few friends on the phone as well,  and of course,
did the regular everyday  household duties.
Oh yea,  I was gonna tell you if you happen to have some
steak or chicken left over after dinner some evening,
here is a neat thing to do with it for lunch or dinner the
next day or night
French Bread Steak, pepper, onion and cheese pizza
I buy a nice sliced multigrain french bread,  any kind
of crusty sliced bread will do.
Cut the steak or chicken up in small pcs.

Saute sliced onion and pepper strips in a non-stick fry
 pan sprayed with Pam and add a tsp. water
(lowfat cooking here)
Lay out your bread on a cookie sheet or stone,
then put pcs. of steak or chicken on top of the
bread,  then spoon some of the peppers and
onions on top of that,  then top it off with some
low fat mozzarella cheese.  Bake in the oven
at 350 degrees for about 15-20 mins. or  until it
heats thru and cheese is melted.
Make a nice salad to go with it,  and you are
good to go!! Would make nice appetizers as well.
Bon Appetit!!
Have a Great Evening
Hugs and Blessings


  1. very pretty decorations! oh that pumpkin pie looked delicious!

  2. Love your decorations! But the pie looks even better!! Great idea for the leftover chicken or steak! Enjoy your day!

  3. Hello Babe,

    The flowers I gave you had no note on them...
    So, here is the note...

    These flowers are delicate and beautiful...
    But, they are no comparison to you!!!!!!

    With all my love...
    Your Hubby


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie