Friday, September 18, 2009

Inexpensive Fall Decorating Ideas

Afternoon Sweet Friends,
Hope your Friday is going well,
I know those of you that work outside the home, as well,
are probably singing the Halleleujah chorus cause it is Friday.
I don't blame you one bit!!  I remember those days!!
Promised to give you some inexpensive ideas today,
so I will just show you a few since my daughter is
coming for din din,  I have to get busy soon.
The first tip is to purchase some silk floral bouquets
that you love.  I always cut them apart and then you
can stick them inside any container practically.  That is
what I did on the header pic.  I had a white pitcher
with leaves on it,  so I just put a small bush of greenery
in their first and started sticking flowers wherever
I thought they looked good,  if you don't like a spot
just take it out and put another flower in it's place
till it is eye pleasing to you!  Very simple really.

My sister in law gave me the cute lil pumpkin,  and I just love it.
The table runner I made........about 4 years or so ago,  I happened
on this pretty check fabric,  it is really a gold and red color but
hard to tell that!  Anyway,  the first napkin I made I hemmed it,
the one in the magazine basket,  but I found that if I just pulled a
thread that it would unravel and give me that fray edged look,
so I did that to the table runner and other napkins,  it was so
much easier.  I use the runner on my dining room table some
years.  I also put a Thomas Kincaide book on the table,
cause it has pretty fall colors.  And the bowl,  I have
to show you some close ups and tell you about the candy
bowl.  Oh Yea,  my coffee table is the kids table that we
used to have in the kitchen,  I had it redone in the white
and oak,  it was all oak.  Hopefully,  one day a grandchild
will be enjoying it and making crafts there,  in their mom or
dad's house of course!!

Want to tell you about my candy bowl,  cause it is very
special to me.  It was my Mom's and she passed away
a lil over 4 yrs. ago,  so it is one of the first things I take
out.  I always use those dark chocolate Hersheys candies
cause they have the nice Fall color wrappers, and  it's
heart healthy too..  They are yummy!
 Back to the bowl.........It was the most
important thing my Mom wanted to give me that being
because my Dad won it for her at the Fair back when
I was just a baby.  My parents were divorced when I
was 3 yrs. old,  so it is the one thing I have that I can
remember that is connected to both my parents since I have
 no recollection of him ever living with me and my Mom.
That is why it was so important to her,  and to me as well.
The bowl is made of what they call "Carnival Glass"
and is a very shiny irridescent orangy gold.  Next
picture will show you what it looks like underneath,
I think it is very pretty!

Isn't it neat how there are flowers embossed in the glass,
think they are daffodils.  You can't see them on the topside.
My Mom always put fruit in it!
Well,  back to the ideas....................Just had to share
it with you tho!!

I love pillows for the sofa,  they add such a nice touch of color
and warmth.  They sell these solid colored pillows at walmart  for just
 $5.00 each and the have all sorts of colors.  The ones with the fruit
I found by accident at a store called "Fred's" ,  it is like a "Big Lots"
if you ever heard of them.  I just fell in love with these pillows.
 The main thing to remember is that you
don't have to get all the stuff at one time.  I usually get 1 or 2 things
every year and before you know it you have stuff everywhere, 
and once people know you like it,  they also give you things as gifts,
which makes it even better.

Here's a shot of our big chair with more pillows and a throw.
These lil touches are the jewels that help make a home more
cozy and comfortable,  and adds that color that really makes
it pleasing to the eye. 
Thought of one more thing today.............
Gift bags.........they aren't just for presents at my house.
They have so many really pretty ones.  Somebody gave me
a gift in one that matched my home very well,  so if I need
what you call a filler pc. somewhere,  like a corner or under
a sofa table or counter top or the hearth,  I put a gift bag
there with a silk greenery bush or some flowers in it.
Looks great and is an inexpensive container,  you
probably have one  in your closet or drawer right now!
You can also use them for trash cans,  I have done
that many times,  and they are really cute if they match
the decor, of course!
Well,  see ya Sunday,
and then next week I'll have a few more tips for you!
Have a Great Weekend Everyone,
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Friday Blessings to you, Loved seeing your ideas for fall decorating Nellie; it makes me feel like I've been to your house for a visit. What a wonderful white pitcher-so useful for every season. I love the candy dish too; I've a few pieces of my mom's(she's been gone 35 yrs)and they bring such comfort when I see them.
    Have a wonderful cozy weekend.
    Love you, Noreen

  2. Everything looks so lovely!! You completely sold me with the candy dish - such a great accent item:) - and I LOVE (yes, love) dark chocolate!! So special that you have your mom's piece. I'm really starting to feel inspired...thanks for sharing your photos!

  3. Sister Susan said...
    Hi Nellie, when I read your blog today and saw the pics, I thought "how beautiful, how beautiful". Jim must enjoy the seasonal change in your home as do you too! I always like when I visit. There are always so many
    wonderful things to see. I had forgotton about the pumpkin!
    Love, Sister Susie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie