Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hope your having a good Tuesday

(Another spring/summer look of our family room)
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
I trust you had a nice Labor Day of resting from your labors,
or a great time with family and/ or friends.
We worked some of the morning from about 11-2 p.m,
then rested from our labors with a visit from our kids
and their respective dates. We played some "Uno attack"
(had never heard of it),
we have played "Uno" before, but this is really way
more fun. It has a machine that you press the
button and it literally throws cards at you in the
amount it wants, not you just drawing. I found
that machine to be a riot, it was fun to watch as
everyone had to push the button at sometime
or other, sometimes nothing would come out,
others times it would fling 4, 6, 8 or maybe more
cards out. It was really hilarious, and it seem
to take me by surprise everytime, cause it
sort of hesitates and you think nothing is coming
then all of a sudden, look out here they come!
They all left about 7:30 to go watch the football
game, and we unfortunately, were having leaking
water in our A/C because the line was plugged,
so Jimmy had to work on that anyway, he
has been able to unplug it before, but not this
time, so we had to call the A/C people this
morning, but they sent him right out.
Hubby was able to fix it enough that we did
have air conditioning still just had to use a
drip pan tho. But we were very grateful
to have A/C last night cause it was pretty
hot and humid still.
The A/C man was successful and it is working
fine now, and no more drip pan, Yea!!
I can put the vent cover back on now,
looks soooooo much nicer that way! lol
Well, I will try and continue part 4
of my "Flooded House story" tomorrow.
I was gonna do it today, but I have
already written a lot so thought I would
give you a break!! Plus since the house
is pretty clean already and I already know
what I am having for din din, thought
I would catch up on some things that
I have been needed to do like cleaning
out drawers, and closets or doing some
more on my daughters wall hanging.
Soon I will post some shots of our home all
gussied up for Fall, cause I know how you decorating
gurus are...........hey, I am one of you,
I love seeing pics of where people live
and how they decorate!
That spells fun to me, and it gets me
greatly inspired, cause I love the home,
it is the greatest place on the planet!!
You guys have a great Tuesday,
See ya tomorrow!!
Love, hugs, and Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie,
    So glad the a/c guy was successful!! No a/c down here definitely isn't fun!!

    Got up with Ran this morning as usual, but wasn't feeling that great. Had a sore lump in my throat and felt lethargic. I gargled with Scope and my throat is better, but still don't feel great, and I think after I have a bite to eat I'm going to lay back down. If I have time afterward I'll give you a call. Please pray that I don't get real sick. I sat out in the sun for a little while and that felt so nice.

    Love ya and will catch up later!

  2. Looking forward to your pictures of your decorating! I did a little yesterday and am really excited for the season to change. Glad you were able to get your A/C fixed, especially since it's still warm down by you. We've had beautiful weather here this whole summer, well except for all the rain! But we haven't had to use the A/C all that much! Enjoy your day and I'll check back with you tomorrow for the rest of your story!

  3. Hi Nellie,

    I have been some what absent from the blogs for a few days which is rare for me. Just a lot going on and no time. I am still behind on my to do list but I am getting there.

    I am looking forward to hearing the end of your story! I am glad you had fun with the kids. We had a nice day with our friends in Santa Cruz...Jean was doing better than we expected so that was nice...but it was a rare good day for her.

    Have a great day...I am running around and I am about to do my Simple Woman's Daybook even though it is 2 days late. I haven't missed doing one since February so I can't skip this week!

    Hugs, AB


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie