Sunday, September 27, 2009

Have a Joyfilled Sunday

(Part of the Appalachian Trail in Maine)

Good Morning Dear Ones,
Hope this finds you well and happy!
I have been a bit tired the last few days,
a little like someone hooked me up to a
vacuum cleaner and sucked the life out
of me,  to be exact!! lol
My weekend has been good tho, inspite of that. 
 Hubby and I finished tiling the step and half of the
floor of the shower.  That was way more than we had planned, 
 so we were very happy about that. I truly think the Lord is
 giving us mercy and favor,  cause the tile on the floor 
fit perfectly without us having to cut anything.
He knows we are weary of this project!  lol
  Grouting should be coming soon, Thank the Lord!
Also, had a really nice day on Friday,  went with a friend
to a store called "Old Time Pottery",  it is a fun store with
all sorts of stuff.  Housewares,  tableware, glassware,
flowers, greenery,  pictures,  lamps,  you name it really.
They had a lot of cute Fall and Christmas decorations.
So it was a real treat cause we used to have one fairly
near us but it closed about 4 yrs. ago,  so I rarely go
there,  and it used to be one of my favorite places
cause they have really good prices and just tons of
neat stuff!   I got a few cute Christmas decorations
I will show you on Monday probably.
Well,  I gotta get my hair dried and get to beddie
bye.  So I will leave you with this lovely
verse about the Lord.

"The Lord is Faithful to all his promises
and loving towards all he has made."
Psalm 145:13
I think someone must really need to hear
this today,  cause I had a verse in Jeremiah that I had
planned to use,  and on way in here,  I passed a
Thomas Kincaide picture that my son gave me
years back and  for some reason I felt to go
back and look at the verse that was on it,
and just felt I should use that instead.
So if this was for you,  know you are on God's
heart and mind,  cause he sure changed my mind
all of a sudden.
You all have a most Joyful Sunday!
Thanks for stopping in,
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Hi Sweetie!
    Love the path in the photo! It just beckons you to find out where it leads!

    Sorry you haven't been feeling up to snuff! I have had some allergy issues, but fine other than that! It's been a good weekend here, too!

    YAY that the tiles fit!! Not too much longer!!

    Love ya and will talk to you soon!

  2. Hi Nellie,

    I have been feeling similarly to you the last few days. Odd, almost like someone let the air out of my balloon or something. I have kept going but with more effort. I need to run out and go shopping for dinner but I feel like I want to have a nap first.

    I love the beautiful and lush and green! I am glad your bathroom is almost done. Yippee! I have asked my friend's son who did all of our windows and doors for his bid on our bathroom about 10 times. He keeps telling me he will bring it over and then doesn't. My fear is that we will end up doing it ourselves...can you say two years??? I just want it done and over with.

    Jim hurt his back over the weekend just working too hard but he is going to see his chiropractor today and hopefully he'll be OK. We are having the house painted this weekend so he was doing some of the prep and then we helped someone move out of their house. Crazy weekend really. Thank heavens for Sundays when we can rest from our labors a bit!

    Get well soon and take good care of yourself!

    Hugs, Bonnie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie