Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - Sept. 3, 2009

(This is our spring/summer look)
Good Afternoon Sweet Darlings,
Hope your day is going well, mine is going
great this far. I am beginning to move the
furniture around and start into my Fall
transformation process! Oh What Fun!
Summer is starting to Fade.......................
at least in the house.
Technically we have 2 1/2 more weeks,
but I like to be able to enjoy 3 months worth
of Fall decor. So I have started a lil earlier
the last few years!
Well, on to Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that I am in good enough
shape to be able to move the furniture
around by myself, course, this is the
only room I can do it in really, because
it slides easily on the floor, but still it
is good to be in good shape.
Which brings me to
I am thankful for that 45 mins. workout
we just did, cause in Nov. it will be 4 years we have been
doing 2 and 1/2 hrs. worth every week. It has taken
my husband off the prediabetic list and also has helped him
recover from bypass surgery 4 yrs. ago, and kept him trim
and with good bloodwork, Now that is a real praise.
And it has also kept me in good shape with good
bloodwork as well.
Having good health is always a praise!
For the sunshine today!!
However fleeting it was, it only lasted till around
2 p.m., but hey, it's the first time I have seen it
smilin on us this week, and it felt good!!
That my son is enjoying his new job so much,
and he got his first paycheck last Friday.
He is also dating a very nice young lady.
We have met her once already and she
seems very lovely!!
That we are having the opportunity
to teach this quarter in Sunday School.
We are teaching on a book called
"Lost in the Middle" and the grace of
God, I think everybody should read
this book, especially if you are in midlife.
It is definitely one of the best books we
have ever read, and it has really given
us a great perspective on what God is up
to in our lives. Not that we didn't know it
but Paul David Tripp just brings so many
interesting thoughts and incites to it!
We have been thru many situations
in the last 8 years, the flooded house
was just one of them. So it has done
our heart good.
So guess that would bring me to
I am eternally grateful for the above
book I just talked about.
For the opportunity to share our story
about our house flooding. It has brought
up all sorts of great memories and gratitude
to my heart, for my Lord this week.
He is truly Awesome!!
For this great excitement and anticipation
I have about Fall! Don't know what it is
but I get it every year, and I just love it
It is like such a big thrill to me, am I wierd
or what???
# 9
That I think we are gonna be able to
mow our yard today, finally!!
Nice & Soggy that it is!
Hubby and I made some progress
on my daughters wall hanging I am
making. He helped me cut the foam
core last night, and I got the scrapbook
paper attached to each piece, now it is a matter
of assembling it. I had hangers for the back,
and moved them out of the closet when Scott
moved back in, and now I can't find them.
Really need to put them on before I assemble it,
we went to Michaels last weekend to get more hangers,
and they don't have them anymore, so have to find a plan B.
Is for you...........
and that you come by to visit often,
and leave nice comments.
I so appreciate the friendship I have
made with many of you.
Hope you have a Great Evening,


  1. Hi Nellie!!

    Love your thankful list! What you and Jim do as far as diet and exercise is just so awesome!! I think it's great that you do it together, also.
    What a great example you set for your kids and friends!! You inspire me for sure!

    I'll be praying for your Sunday school class. I know it will be a blessing! I really have to get back to finishing that book!!

    And you know I have the fall fall fall FEEEEVER!!

    Love ya,

  2. Today I am thankful for my family and friends...that is an everyday thing. I am thankful that through the power of electronics I was able to see my brother and his wife on Skype today in Sweden. I am thankful my other brother is doing great after his hospital stay. I am thankful Hazel isn't sick, I am thankful that I got my house work done and dinner is made. I am thankful for feeling well and having energy to get extra things done today. I am thankful I got to see a movie this afternoon, and that everything seems good for now. I am most thankful for the Savior in my life when things get rocky as well as when they are great. He divides our sorrows and increases our joy.

    I am glad you are enjoying getting ready for fall. I want to but it is just too darn hot right now. Maybe next week! :-)

    ♥ Bon

  3. Hi Nellie, I love your fall decorations; I usually decorate a lot for the seasons but with the new nest I haven't quite figured where to place everything yet. Loved your thankful list...I am thankful for you dear friend.
    Have a glorious weekend.

  4. Yes I am entering my birdhouse in the fair! Did you see my post about some of the things I am entering? It is titled "Fair Projects". Hope you have a great day!

    Love, Madison

  5. those are some wonderful things to be thankful for! i haven't pulled my fall decorations out yet. i'm trying to hold off a little while longer. we'll see, lol!

  6. Hey Cutie,

    What a Great Thanksgiving List!
    Praise GOD for His continual Goodness in our lives. Can it really be that four years have passed since Jim's surgery!

    You guys continue to be a blessing to so many!
    Love in the Lamb.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie