Saturday, February 27, 2010

Have a Confident Praying Sunday!

Good Sunday Morning to you,
My Sweet Friends,

Came across this verse in my bible reading this
 week,  it is one of my favorites.  It is always an
encouragement to me when I see it or think about it.
It is from 1 John 5:14 & 15
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God:
that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-
we know that we have what we asked of him."
Have a Lovely Sunday filled with Confidence!
Love, Hugs and Blessings,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 25, 2010

Hello Sweet Friends,
How is your day going???  Having a nice Thursday???
Hope So!!!
I have been busy working on Birthday cards, visiting
a few blogs, the routine straightening up,  making
 breakfast and lunch and exercising. Hubby works
at home Thurs. and Fridays, which is great cause
we can get our exercise in early during his lunch
hour,  I love to get it done and over with early.
It has been a beautiful day out,  but chilly and windy, 
it's like we want to go out because of the sunshine but
once we open the door we think, maybe not!!  lol
Guess I had better get on with Thankful Thursday!
Before I write a book about something else. lol
I am Thankful to My Heavenly Father today
The exercise equipment we have: the gazelle,
stationary bike (my sister-in-law gave us), videos and
 weights because they help us rotate our exercise 
which helps us not to get so bored with it.
I am thankful for
Being able to spend the afternoon with an
old friend yesterday, and give her a copy of my
favorite book. (Lost in the Middle) and hope
it blesses her as much as it has us.
I am thankful for
What a nice day out I had on Tuesday all by myself,
 and that I got the birthday shopping done for my sil
 and hubby,  and got the grocery shopping done for at
 least this celebration.
I am thankful for 
the answers and the ideas that the Lord gives me
about so many things.  Cause they are just so 
neat and surprising and simple sometimes.
He is just too amazing to comprehend!
I am thankful
when I see someone looking downcast and then
spend some time talking with them,  then see
them walk away with a smile.  What a blessing
that is!!
I am thankful
 that I live in America,  with all her problems she is still the best
 place in the world to live. I often wonder what it would be like to 
live in Africa or India where people are starving.
I am thankful for people who serve us all the time,
like our postmen and refuse collectors, imagine
if they didn't come everyday or week what that
would mean for us,  and the people who work for
 the power Company who have to get out in these
storms in the freezing cold and rain,  even more so 
our precious servicemen and their families who sacrifice
 their lives for us and our country.
God Bless them all for their hardwork and sacrifice.
I am thankful
 that Bonnie over @ one designing woman
finished her work for her  Blogging Seminar, and is giving
 it tonight, so pray for her if you think of it.  She also got a neat
blessing today.......another blogger who evidently is quite
popular in the decorating world did a post of her new
bathroom and 5 other posts that she has on decorating.
Go check her blog out it will take you over to the
blog that is hosting her.
I am also thankful that she finally was able to get her
new bathroom remake after waiting 32 years, and
she did a great job indeed!
God is good!!
I am thankful
that I get to enjoy all the neat things that happen in the lives
of all you Sweet and Wonderful ladies. I just love to see
people that I think are so neat, get Blessed!
I am thankful
for Life Beautiful Magazine that I found this week,
it has already been a real blessing. I have decided
to just read 1-2 articles a day so I can savor it till
the next issue comes out in April or maybe March.
It is quarterly anyway!!
I am thankful
but sad that our Sunday School class will be ending
this Sunday, thankful because it will free up our Saturdays
so we can finish our bathroom and because we are gonna
have a lot of yard work soon, but sad because we hate
for it to end, it has been so good for us, and for others,
and we have all really bonded over these 6 months.
I am thankful
that my hubby made a decision that will help him
spiritually and physically, and the Lord has really
blessed him these passed 2 weeks, and has given
him some neat spiritual opportunities with a co-worker!!
How Neat is that!
Well, Sweet folks,
What are you Thankful for Today!!!
Have a Super Evening,
blessings n' hugs,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Looky..... what I found!!

Rose compliments of
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a blessed day!
I just wanted to share something with you
that you might enjoy!
Yesterday while I was at wally world I was
checking the magazines looking for a Romantic
Home magazine, so I could see what they
published about Cindy over @ My Romantic
Home. I have looked so many places for
that magazine but can not find one. Have
been gonna go to books a million, but
just haven't made it there, and it is in the
February issue, so soon it will be too late.
Well, anyway, in my search for that
Magazine I found a new one I have never
seen before.

And I noticed it said Faith for your journey
so I had to pick it up and look it over.

The cover alone made my heart sing!
It looks like a bridal magazine and I loved
the colors, they scream Valentines Day
and winter to me!! Guess that is because
red is my favorite winter color that I use.
and then it had flowers, and you know
how much I love flowers, and it had my
all time favorites roses & hydrangeas.

Isn't that a gorgeous bouquet
And it of course, has articles to read by:

I haven't read it cover to cover yet, but I sure
plan to, I have only read one and part of another
article, and so far, I love what I read.............
I took a few other pics but only one
came out, but here it is.............

This picture screams spring to me!!
Be still my heart!! pitter patter!
I love that I can enjoy a decorating magazine
and get spiritual encouragement and nurture
as well. Doesn't get much better than that!
Here is just one line that really blessed my
heart, and remember I have hardly read
anything yet!!
"At Life:Beautiful we believe God is part of every
minute of every day and that through simple
daily tasks, such as cooking, serving others,
raising children- and most importantly, coming
to a full understanding of God's love for us-
we can live beautiful lives."
Quote was from Wanda Ventling
Editor-in- Chief
Now, that my friends is right from the heart
of God to Our ~ Hearts ~.
Where??? in another magazine have you ever
seen that!! (other than Christian mags, I mean)
Hope you all have a Beautiful Day,
I am off to clean our home, with
a renewed attitude!
Love, Blessings and Hugs,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday - Cookie Recipe

Good Afternoon Sweet Friends,
How in the world are you doing today???
Doing well, I hope!
I have had a busy day,  but a fun day.  Went out
shopping for my hubby and sister-in-laws birthday.
So now I have that part taken care of,  and got
most of the food for this weeks Celebration.
Susan's birthday is this Sunday and Jim's is the next
Sunday. So we will be birthday celebrating for the next
few weeks,  and then again, at the end of March for
ME!  ( I am getting excited just thinking about it) lol
Guess I had better get on with Heart Tips Tuesday,
Today we will be talking about the weekly part of
the diet,  which is sweets, eggs, poultry and fish.
It is limited to 3 sweets a week.  We eat  a piece of
dark chocolate daily because it is good for your heart,
and it is pretty satisfying because it is so rich.  I never
used to eat dark chocolate but now I love it, and
really don't like milk chocolate anymore,  but I have
to have nuts with it or in it. We also eat Paul Newmans
fig newtons,  but they have to be the fat free ones,
but they are absolutely delcious, and they put Nabisco
fig newtons to shame.
We usually eat desserts mostly  when we have the family
or company over. I usually try to make desserts that
include fruit,  like strawberry shortcake,  or banana
pudding, or pumpkin pie,  but we do eat cheesecake
occassionally,  but we do our best to try to eat the
ones with fruit in them
Med. diet  says(3) and the heart association says (2) eggs
 a week,  so we go with what the heart Association says. 
 Jim usually has his 2 eggs on Saturday and then I use eggbeaters
 for anything else I cook during the week.  Also you can freeze the
 egg  beaters so you can have them on hand all the time.
Poultry means white lean chicken and turkey. You can have
3-4 servings a week,  and you are suppose to have fish
5-6servings a week.  We try to adhere to the chicken part,
but we definitely don't eat fish that much,  we are lucky
if we eat it once or twice.  This is where the meatless
and Veggie meals come in to play. I am learning to
like fish more all the time,  but I am finding more
fun ways to prepare it like making it parmesan
or pecan crusted, or italian styel.  Makes a huge
It also says to have no more than 3 servings of potatoes
a week,  I was not aware of that but I think we probably
adhere to that really.  We do eat Sweet Potatoes some
times because they are packed with good nutrients,
so they are very good for you.
They also say you should have 3-4 servings weekly of
olives, pulses or nuts.  We eat nuts daily, and if you
have ever seen Dr. Oz or some of the other Cardiologists
they will tell you they keep a bag of nuts in the fridge
at work and if they get hungry they grab a handful
of nuts.  The best place to buy them is at Sam's or
Costco cause you can buy a huge bag and it is much
more cost effective.  You can freeze them as well,
we eat them fast enough we just put them in a ziploc
bag in the fridge.
We do eat olives probably at least once or twice
a week cause I put them in salad and also we like
to eat them on our mexican food.
Now pulses,  I was thinking what is that,  so I
researched it and it is a term used by the Food and
Agricultural Organization that is reserved for crops
harvested solely for dry grain.  Pulses are called
Vegetarian meat, and they are an important food crop
 because they are very high in protein and essential
 amino acids.
It is foods like: black eyed peas, pigeon peas,
kidney beans and lima beans.  They had a huge
list of beans that I never even heard of before.
They did say that green beans, green peas,
or soybeans were not considered a pulse.
If you want to see the Mediterrean diet pyramid
again just click here.
I tried to download it again,  but it was
messing my typing up for some strange reason,
so I got frustrated and took it off!  lol
Wanted to share that great Peanut Butter
cookie recipe with you.
I got it from a girl named Renee @ What I am
meant to be.  Here is her address
 for the cookie recipe(you will see a brownie recipe at the top, 
 just scroll down to you see Gluten free gifts and you will come to
 the PB cookie recipe,
 and she had a few others as well.  They were all gluten free.
There are only 3 ingredients in the Peanut
Butter cookies,  and that is:
 Peanut Butter
( I used the Smuckers Natural Crunchy
Peanut butter)
Sugar,  it calls for a cup
(I only used 1/2 cup and sprinkled a lil bit
on the tops) You might like more....
one egg
(I used 1/4 cup of eggbeaters)
I love them!!
and you can whip them together and have
them in the oven in 5 mins.
And Now
Have a Look!!
Dont' they look delightful!
Also put some dark chocolate chips in them.
I figured out it would about 3 grams of
saturated fat for 2 cookies,  so that is not
bad,  and they are a pretty healthy treat!!
Oh yea,  it makes 1 dozen. I just throw
them in a plastic container and put them the fridge.
Well, Sweet Friends,  time to exercise,  UGH!
I am tired tonight,  but once I get going I will
be fine,  it's just getting started!!
I always feel better afterwards and am glad
I pushed myself.
You have a fine evening with your loved ones,
I am going to work out with mine!  lol
Blessings and Hugs,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome to Monday Manna - February 22, 2010

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Happy Monday to you!
Hope you all had a delightfully relaxing weekend
full of all the things you hold dear!
Yesterday in Sunday School we were talking about
struggling in our spiritual walk, and things that we
could do to help us.  I woke up very early this morning
and could not go back to sleep,  and felt like the Lord
was nudging me to do a post on this,  but not only on
struggling,  it could be we are just in a rut and need to
spice up our spiritual life a bit.  Some of us can love
routine soooooo much that it isn't necessarily a good
thing,  whether that be in a marriage, or our relationship
with our Heavenly Father
So I felt the Lord's leading to share some things that
have helped me in my 30 + years walk with our Lord.
I am going to list some practical ideas or exercises in
 discipline, but  you will have to decide the depth of the need,
  whether you are struggling big time or just in a rut, or just in
 need of some freshness. Try one or more of suggestions
on and see if it is a fit.  Just because one doesn't seem
to work doesn't mean another one won't or the first
one you tried, want work at another time.  We all
have different personalities,  so some will probably
appeal to you more than others, and that is fine.
Also, I don't have these in any particular order,
I am just giving ideas off the top of my head.
Stop being embarassed that you are struggling or
in a rut,  because we all suffer these maladies from
time to time. Trust me you are not the only one.
Go to your Husband, Pastor, Elders, or a friend that
 you feel is spiritually mature and tell them the problem,
 and ask them to pray for you.
Find someone to be a daily prayer partner for awhile, it may
 only take a week or two, but hearing someone else pray for us,
has a very ministering affect to our spirit, and  can help spur
  us on when we pray.
Write a thankful list.  It may not be easy to start, but we are
 alive, and that is something to be thankful for, and sometimes we
 just have to start with the simpliest things we can think of
(like I can see,  I can hear)and go from there.  That is called a sacrifice
 of praise, and it doesn't mean  we have to feel like it, the word says
 we just have to do it.
 So as the Nike Commercial used to say,  just do it!
We can go thru the alphabet and say we are thankful
for anything that pops into our head that starts
with A, B, C. and on down to Z,  (It could be an apple,
or a banana, or clothing). Sometimes you might need to do it
 more than once.  We just have to make up our mind that we are
gonna be obedient to his word, no matter what, and once you force
yourself to do it you will find the Lord will meet you and before you
know it,  it will just start to flow.  I will tell you that these last 2 exercises
 in praise have really revolutionized my life.
We need to ask the Lord to reveal if there is any sin or anything in our
 life that He is not pleased with,  and give ourselves some time to
sit and wait to hear from Him.   If He tells you something then
confess it and ask for forgiveness, that will take down any
barrier between you and the Lord.
Listen to good christian music, especially praise music,
and sing along!  It's on the radio and TV, and then
of course, there are cd's and even the computer.
It will really lift your spirits.
Pray some warfare prayers.  It is scriptural praying and
is designed to protect you from the enemy of our soul.
That is why God says in Eph. 6 to put on the whole
armor of God, to protect us from the wiles and  schemes
of the devil.  He is alive and well, and sometimes we
forget that,  and he has a field day with us before we
recognize his tactics. If you don't know what a warfare
prayer is and would like to have one, go up to the
top right on my side bar, where it says contact me,
and send me an email and I will send you one.
Well,  I am gonna stop there for today.  Be sure
to check back next Monday for more ideas.
Have a good nights rest,  and a great day
I am very tired,  cause I had a busy day and was
up pretty early,  so I am headed to beddy bye land.
Night Night Sweet Friends,
Talk to ya tomorrow.
Blessings and Hugs,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Sunday & Guess who came to visit us this morning?

Happy Sunday to You Sweet Friends,
This morning I was up early and visiting your blogs
and I heard all this loud bird noises,  and I knew 
what it was, cause I have heard it before,  so I
ran to the window to see if I could see these amazingly
big birds,  they are called "Sand hill Cranes",  if you
are not familiar with them.
I was in my jamies and it was about 8:15, so no one 
seemed to be around, so I grabbed my camera and
went out to see if I could get some decent pictures
of these visitors, the Lord sent to us.  He knows
how much I just love this kind of stuff!

These pics were taken with the zoom on cause they were
directly across the street at my neighbors house, do you
see him looking my way...........
He really was,  and as soon as he saw me he started coming
towards me.

He was coming so quickly I couldn't take another pic 
quick enough and he had already crossed the street
and was now in our yard.

the zoom is now off, and he is coming towards
me still.
He sorta stopped and looked around for a few mins.
Probably looking at what a beautiful lawn we have!! lol
Then his bud decided to join him I guess.  I had been so busy
taking pictures and keeping my eye on him that I never noticed
the other one coming.
Now he is really headed in my direction and he is probably
about half way across our yard.  Our house sits back off
the street more than the neighbors.  I am standing over on
the sidewalk
Can you tell he is getting closer all the time.  By now I am
talking to him and saying good morning and he is loving it.
Very curious!
Here he is eating bread! 
 Does it seem like I skipped a step,
well, as he got real close, I was excited to share it with someone,
and then they started making their noise, which is undescribable
really  and Loud,  and did I say LOUD!!
Now I was getting a lil worried too. These birds are big, almost as
 big as me, so the thought ran thru my mind what if he isn't quite
 as friendly as he seems and what if they decided to attack me or 
something!!  I had visions of my eyes being pecked out!! lol
Guess I should have never seen that Alfred Hitchcock movie
"The Birds" when I was a kid.
Anyway, I ran and woke Jimmy up to come and see them,
He is such a good sport,  course, he likes stuff like this too,
maybe not as much as me,  but he has learned........
one of those, if you can't beat this crazy woman,  just join her,
Know what I mean???
So I yelled into the bedroom come quick and he woke with
a start (sometimes I forget this man has heart problems) and
asked why, and I said there are sand hill cranes in our yard
 and they came right up to me and I ran back ouside.
  Guess the start made his adrenalin flow, and I ran back in
 to get some bread but  he had his wits about him enough
 to get some bread, so  he brought it out and began to
 feed them.
Wish I would have thought and taken a shot of him!
Duh........I was so busy watching the birds.
I am such a one track person,  it is pathetic!
He is quite enjoying his lil snack.
Can you see the lil lump on the left side of his
throat,  that was bread going down his esophagus,
we could watch it go all the way to his stomach.
How funny is that!!
Well, what can I say they are "user friendly birds",
once they got what they wanted it was time to go!!
After all,  it was a pefect Florida day.
70 degrees, blue sunny skies,  hey,  they had places
to go and people to see!
Now there he is waving and saying Good bye!!
I only wish you could have seen what he did when he
was half way across the yard and I had already put
the camera up.  He grabbed a leaf  then flung it and
started flapping his wings and jumping up and down
like he was playing,  you can see a lil bit of it here,
but he put on quite a show for us, so I grabbed
the camera and ran outside hoping he would do
it again, but this was as good as it got!
I was wondering if it was like a mating dance
or something,  really pretty neat!!
He told me his name was Jack and his friend
was Jill,  also told me I should leave you with 
this verse for today. lol
It is from Matthew 6:25-27
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink; or about your body,
what you will wear.  Is not life more important
than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow
or reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much
more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour
to his life?"
Jack and Jill said to tell you those verses
are just saw how
 the Heavenly Father fed them.
(and by the way,  those big Cranes do fly)
Have a  Wonderfully Blessed Sunday
My Friends,
and Remember,  don't worry about tomorrow!
Love, hugs, and Blessings,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 18, 2010

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends............
Hope you have had a dandy day today!!
Bet you can't say that 3 times fast! 
Just tried it and actually I could, so it's not that hard!!  lol
Guess What????  
You Know????
Of Course,

It's time for Thankful Thursday
I am thankful 
that Scott's girlfriend came to church last Sunday.
I am thankful
for what a precious and loving girl she is,  and how well she
 treats him.  So respectfully and lovingly,  and that is a joy
to this Mother's heart!
I am thankful 
for these lovely flowers you see in my header
picture.  Hubby again.........isn't he the sweetest!
He really surprised me,  since I just got some
2 weeks ago.   Very Nice Surprise!!

I am thankful
that my Heavenly Father never gives up on me, 
and that He treats us like His children.
I am thankful
for the Gaither Homecoming Show because
every time I turn it on it just lifts my spirits.

I am thankful
For the easiest cookie recipe I have ever seen or made. 
 It is for Peanut butter cookies and they are de lish!
Maybe I will post it tomorrow!!
I just realized that the Fig bar cookies we were eating made
 by Paul Newman had palm oil in them,  Ugh!  Cause we
adore these cookies,  they have the fat free ones too,
 which we can eat,  but we can't find them anywhere presently. 
 So the Lord has provided Peanut butter cookies for
a change of pace.  

I am thankful
that Jimmy found the movie "you've got mail"
and we are gonna watch it tonight.  It is our
typical Valentines Day movie but blockbuster
doesn't carry it anymore, and we just love
it,  we love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan together,
they are so cute!!
I am thankful
that my bloggy friend Bonnie, over at one
designing Woman got a nice note from someone
today,  that is not a blogger,  so she had to go
way out of her way to get this note to Bonnie.
She reads her post everyday,  and she just
loves it,  said it makes her day.
It made Bonnies day too!
Isn't it neat,  that we have the power to do
something special everyday for someone and
make their day!!  I love that!!
And Good for that Sweet Lady, that she took
the time to go out of her way!
I pray the Lord really blesses her for that!
I am thankful
that we have been having more cold weather
cause that means when spring comes we are
gonna really be happy to say the least.

I am thankful
that we got to have Rosie last weekend.
Cause she brings us so much fun & joy!
I am thankful 
I got to spend some time with Becky over at
Holiday in the Sun yesterday,  cause I haven't 
seen her long enough to sit down and have a
chat in quite a while,  we have spoken on the
phone but not seen each other in person but
a few times for a few minutes.
I am thankful
that my Sweetie was feeling better this morning
after a very good long nights sleep.  He was feeling
a bit punk last night,  but feel great today.

These were from the same bouquet but I took them
out and put them in another vase and stuck them in
our guest bathroom,  cause it was just too crowded
in the other vase,  so he got 2 for the price of one.
Great Deal!!
Well,  Sweet Lovlies
What are you thankful for 
this fine Day!!
Thanks for stopping in,
Love, hugs and blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie