And Happy Saturday to you!
Well, it is 3a.m. here............went to bed at 12:30 and gave it a good try and was just about
sleep and then Miss Molly woke me up. Ahhhhhh Pets, they are truly a Joy!
So decided since I was awake why not blog since I didn't get to do it today, rather yesterday.
Friday was a fun day for me tho, I did not wake up until 10:15,
Oh MyHeavvveeeeeeeennnnnns, I thought and made myself get up, felt like I could have slept the rest of the day. That is a cyclical thing too, after I go thru my "sleep deprived week",
I usually go thru what I call the "sleeping like the living dead" week, where I dream like
crazy and feel like I could sleep on and on, plus this week I had the bug thing to go with it.
I am feeling great tho. Anyway, I had been in the house all week, and just wanted to go out and decided to go to Wallie World. Now we have two Super Centers, one is a crowded
like it is Christmas, the other is a breath of fresh air, it is out in the country and not manypeople know about it, so when you go there you feel like you have stepped back in time
30 years, and I am not exaggerating one lil bit!! I have to say there were more cars in
the parking lot today than I have ever seen before, but still it was not even close to crowded.
It was like bliss, uncrowded bliss, I looked at everything and just took my time, I never do that in the other store, it is in, and get what I have to get, and out, just like a guy
Now I am not a huge shopper actually, I don't shop for sport, I usually shop for things
when I need them, but I really do love to look at stuff for the house and yard.
In my looking for filters for the air purifier I came thru the paint dept. and happened to
come on the wallpaper borders. I had seen one I liked awhile back that I had contemplated
getting for my bathroom redo. We have been working on retiling, well we are not at that point yet, we have really been working on ripping out the old tile and hubby had to replace the
shower walls and had to do a little plumbing work, and we are also gonna have to replace
part of the other wall. These projects never seem to be as easy as you would think,
am I right???
Anyway, I noticed they no longer had the border I liked and thought oh darn, cause
Here's a closeup of the wall border, love the muted colors, and it is the
Then hubby had bought me some neat candles for my birthday, that are battery powered from Cracker Barrel. I love those things, you can almost use them like a flash light, and they look like a candle is really burning, plus they smell good too. I could let them burn all night and not worry about burning the house down. Somebody had a great idea with these things, hope they were able to patten it. I had never seen them before but recently I saw some others at Kohl's.
This is one of my candles, one is taller. Don't think you can tell in the pic but it is lit. The candle is lime green and brown, and when it is lit the top portion looks deep yellow.
I am a terrible spider webber when I talk or write, sorry, hope I don't confuse you.
Just looks like a little stick, all you have to do is turn the point side out (it is stuck up inside the cylinder of copper) as you can see we already have the pointed side out, then stick her in the ground, oh yea, you have to take the top off and pull a little tab that is in there to release the Led light. Guy @ the checkout told me cause he said they get returned all the time because people don't know to do that and think they are broken. Good piece of advice to know!!
and this is the bronze aluminum ( I called it gun metal before cause I couldn't think of the word, after all it was 4 in the morning) one stuck along our walk way, wanted to get a pic of them at night but thought I might wake up the family and they just might not appreciate my bloggy zeal.
Also finally found some water bottles to keep in the fridge for when I go out. I am trying
to be green and safe with good plastic, and amazingly they were made in the good ole USA.
Just thought I would show you the label in case you too are looking for some decent water bottles made in the USA.
Also, ran into a friend from church, and we chatted awhile, she and I are definitely on the same page with so many things, and we are both talkers. She is a wonderful person, and I love and respect her very much. So that added a lil whimsy to my trip.
When I got home of course, of course, there was snacking on all the good food finds.