Monday, August 31, 2009
Hope your having a Sunny Monday
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Have a Soothing Sunday
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 27, 2009
Well, on withThankful Thursday,
These flowers are all the flowers Scott planted
Well, #3 which really is #2, but somehow I loaded
the pics wrong!! Don't know how I manage that!!
My # 2-3 is the lovely day I had yesterday with
my friends. We had a nice leisurely brunch and
of course, lots of fun chatting, then Becky did
our devotional, and we made a complete day
of it!! It was wonderful, we talked about all sorts
of things. We talked in the dining room, in the
family room and in the kitchen, and I think we
pretty much left no rock unturned.
and had me come across these beautiful napkins I bought
months ago in St. Augustine, I had forgotten all about
them. So thought they were perfect for an end of the
summer brunch. Flowers Again, I just can not
resist them!!
oh well, it is a close up anyway.
And here is the table. Was planning to take pics
later, but as usual I get caught up in the fun of things,
and that is that!
Oh, this time I used the little egg cups to put
the cranberry butter in, so each person had
their own personal cup. I love those lil things,
they are so handy!!
Well, # 5 is I am going to visit my friend Sharon,
and gotta get going. There is more I could say,
but lucky for you, I have to go!!
Have a great Friday tomorrow,
and May the Lord Bless You Really Really Good!!
Love and Blessings,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sorry for the late post and no story today!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Welcome to my kitchen..........
my counter tops in the kitchen. Well, I had been thinking
about it since vacation. One of my favorite things to do when
we go on vacation is to buy a decorating magazine to read.
So while I was vacationing I was also getting some new
fresh ideas for my kitchen. New fresh ideas by just moving
things around that didn't cost me a penny!!
I like those sort of changes, cause I love my home and love
it to look nice, but I don't like it to cost me a lot of money,
as I am sure you feel the same. I am a decorate with what
you have girl, and I have found moving things around
or from room to room, can give you a
whole new fresh look!!
I never remember to do before & after pics, but oh well,
If it were me I wouldn't care , I would just love
seeing the finished product anyway!
So figured you might be like me!!
And that maybe you might glean some fresh ideas
for yourself just in case you would like a change.
My mission was to get rid of some stuff and have
less on my counter tops than before.
I accomplished that, and have really been loving it!
This Pasta and spice rack used to be on the
corner where you come into the kitchen.
There used to be a cabinet type spice rack
there that was larger with other things
around it, and I have wanted to hang the
spice rack on the wall for awhile now, but
everytime I thought about it, there was
no hanger, and I didn't know what else to put in
the corner, so it just never happened.
See where the coffee pot is, my microwave used to sit
there and I have wanted to change places with it and the
coffee pot for 28 years now, but everytime I thought
about it.........It just didn't seem practical because my
dishes were all above the coffee pot and if I moved it
you would have to go across the kitchen for a cup.
Well, duh........amazing how long you go before you
actually think of something. I realized all I really
needed to do was clear out one shelf about the
microwave to put cups on and I could move it.
so that is what I did, and it is working out
wonderfully well, and I have more room on
the counter over there now too.
used to be several more crocks there with knives and
gadgets. and 2 platters against the wall in back
of them, Well, I took one platter and put it on the
counter by the cooktop, as you can see,
and then put olive oil and vingegar and some spices
on the platter, you could put a salt and pepper
grinder or whatever you want.
The white crock in the middle of my stove
was a gift from a dear friend, it is actually
a french dip holder, you can put ice in the
bottom and it keeps your dip nice and chilled.
Well, in the mean time I put a small container
inside the crock, and made kind of a layered
thing where I put most of my knives.
Got the idea of putting on the cooktop
and the platter on the counter with
the vinegar & oil out of the new decorating
magazine, and really liked the look.
And if the platter is in the way, I can just
slide it back to the wall getting it out of the way.
These dishes on the wall have been there every since
the kitchen was redone, I think it may be 8 years
now. I wanted something really unusual to go there,
and happened to get some craft and decorating books
from the Library, and found a picture of something
I thought was neat but I changed it up a bit and made
it my own thing. They had dishes stacked on top of
each other but it was like layers of maybe 6 things,
I thought that much might fall off.
Anyway, I liked
them separated cause they also took up more room.
The silverware was there idea, the food on the plate
and the teabag was mine. That is a scripture teabag
from a Wedding shower I went to, and I won a box
of scripture tea as a prize.
The Verse is from Jeremiah 33:3
I love the verse
It says:
"Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee
great and mighty things."
And the reason I love this verse so much is because
that is exactly what we had experienced in the
almost year before I put these pcs. on my
kitchen wall, and had not actually realized
that until this moment as I am writing this!!
How Cool Is That!!
Tomorrow I will begin to explain what I am
talking about, so stay tuned it is really a great
story and God is so good, and really worth
braggin on!!
Just in case you are interested I used silicon glue
to put the plates together. I actually used a
saw tooth picture hook on the back of the bowl,
just glued it on, and in 9 years I have had
those babies in water cleaning them quite
often so it is great glue!!
to buy a new one earlier in the year, and might I say
I love it. Still learning to use those timers and stuff,
I am very technically challenged, what can I say!!
Where the microwave sits is where the coffee maker
used to be. The fruit canister and the salt and pepper
shakers on top where a Christmas present from
my sweet sister-in-law. Love them.
The flat basket hides the cords and electrical
outlet. In the picture before there was a
wire basket thingie I found to put mail in so
it wasn't just lying around on the counter.
It makes things looks so much neater.
This is an ironing board, chair and ladder all rolled
into one!! We bought this in a little backwoods store
in Ga. somewhere, years ago. Scott was still in
middle school and taking woodworking, we bought
it unfinished and he refinished it for me.
He did a great job!!
I love having my ironing board right there
rather than having to go in the garage and get
it everytime I need it! I have a regular larger
one in the garage I can use if need be, but
this usually takes care of most stuff.
Oh and remember that spice rack cabinet
I always wanted to put on the wall,
well, we finally put a hanger on that
baby, and she is hanging right above
my ironing board.
Well, hope you enjoyed your visit of my
kitchen and hope maybe you got some new
ideas of your own.
Come back tomorrow and read how
we experientially learned about
that verse in Jeremiah 33:3
Have a Great Monday Evening,
Blessings and Hugs,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Have a Restful Sunday
Good Sunday Morning to you!!
Hope you are feeling well on this Sabbath Day!
Saw this verse today, and thought this is the one!
It has been a tremendous encouragement to me this year,
with all that has gone on in our Government and Economy.
I pray it will bring encouragement to your heart,
as well, Dear one.
The verse for today is from Proverbs 21:1
"The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord;
he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases."
That is exciting to know that God controls the lives
and actions of kings or of Presidents and elected
officials, and directs their hearts wherever he pleases.
That says to me..... it is my job to pray for the Lord
to have his will and way in their lives, and then
to trust Him to do whatever He sees fit!!
I have been doing that all year, and it has been a comfort to me.
If you are not already doing that.........give it a try...
I think you will be surprised at how the Lord uses those
prayers to bring peace and comfort to you in this
difficult world we live in.
Have a really Restful Sunday.
Blessings and Hugs,
Friday, August 21, 2009
What's going on in my backyard

getting nectar, but I couldn't catch him with his wings open enough.
are drawing nectar for some reason they close their wings.
from seeds when he worked at the Flower farms
and also the Lantana you saw.
at one point I thought it was gonna die, but
he has revived it!!
These are some trees he has grown from seeds,
and the one in the urn is one he pruned and fertilized
for me, I actually like it by my front door, but had
moved it cause the back was pretty bare, it is looking
better now, so hopefully soon I might be able to
move it back by my front door.
Remember I said he planted some flowers for me a few
And the bougainvilla is blooming again. I really love
the color of this plant, and it reminds me of when we
lived in KeyWest, cause it is all over the place down
there, and just gorgeous!!
I forgot yesterday to give a praise about my
little nephew Bryson. He has not been having
the stomach problems and his rash has all cleared up,
Thanks to the Lord!!
She did get a scary report back from the Dr. on his
bloodwork and they said that he basically has no immune
system, so now they are going to send her to an
Immunologist and he is also an allergist as well.
The Dr. she went to see down here also did not write the
order for the celiac test, and she didn't discover
it until they had already taken his blood and they had a really
tough time getting enough draw cause of his small veins.
So of course, she was not too happy about that at all.
The Dr. now thinks that maybe he had some virus
that just hung on and on, and that was what was
causing his bad intestinal problems. We are sure
hoping that is the case, but I think whatever it was
the Lord probably took care of it because of the prayers,
so we truly thank you all for your prayers.
Well, there has been tiling going on in our bathroom
again tonight, all the side walls are about done,
and we are getting ready to start on the floor
and step soon. We still have to put the towel
rack and soap dish in tomorrow. I am getting more
excited everytime we tile cause it means we are getting
closer to grouting, and then closer to being finished!! yea!!!
Well, that is about all my news for today.
Hope you have a truly lovely weekend.
Take care now!!
Blessings and Hugs,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Wonderful Celebration

Well Good Morning Sweet Friends,
I included something today for you ladies who love
decorating like I do.
Thought I would give you a close up of the centerpc.
I got this idea from another sweet long time friend, Diane.
She is so creative in her gift giving, and knows just what
I like. She saw a decorating magazine with this idea and
bought me the magazine and the egg cups to go along with it,
and it had several really cute ideas for what you can
do with egg cups. I still had some pink carnations
leftover from when we visited our friends at the
condo, she sent them home with me. So I was
able to find 9 that still looked good, so cut
them off real short and stuck them in the egg cups
(with some water of course). Then added some
candleholders with pink candles from Yankee Candle
called fresh cut roses, I love these candles
the smell sooooooo good!!
Of course, you can use any kind of flowers
in there, and I have also put candles in them,
or butter or sauces, or candy or colored
eggs at Easter! I am sure you can think of
other neat ideas. I like it because it is simple
yet pretty, and also low so it doesn't impede
conversation. Nice to be able to see who you
are talking to I think!! ha
If you have any other ideas for egg cups
let me know, I would love to hear them.
Just came back from the bank, and My Heavens, this has been a
frustrating day so far and it is only 10:52.
I am trying my best to keep a good attitude but stuff
just keeps going wrong by the minute! ha
Oh how the enemy of our soul loves to try and ruin
our joy. First thing this morning I noticed our
washing machine did not drain and has last nights
tablecloth and napkins still in it, then Scott called
and wanted us to fax something to him at work,
he has a fax, we don't, so we don't know how
to use it really, and he has a long cord cause
our phone hookup is across the hall.
We tried about 10 times and it would not work,
then I noticed a business card on his desk
to his company and it was a different fax #
so I was about to do that when he called
so I tried it again and it took about 5 more
tries. I have unconnected and reconnected
the fax machine from the telephone lines
about 4 times now) anyway, it finally, I hope went
but we thought it had gone once before so we will
see if they got it.
Then I just closed our old acct. and put stop pays on 2 checks
we have been expecting to go thru but never did, and that is
because we discovered on Sat. thru checking our visa acct.
(it was on lock down) someone has been tampering with our
Visa Acct. and that is one of the bills that never came
thru, so we think now that someone actually took our bills out of
our mailbox. Funny thing is I never mail bills that way anymore,
I take them to the post office or to a large mailbox
near our house, cause I have read not to do that.
I think it was when Jimmys car was having problems so
he had to drive mine, so I had no car to drive, and the
bills needed to go out, so I just put them in the box.
At least that is what we think happened. I wish I
knew for sure cause then I could file a police report.
Not that I want that hassle, but since we don't know
what other surprises we might get you wonder!!
Right after they put the stop pay on the checks,
we transferred the $$ out of that acct. to our new
acct. and closed it. Well,,,,,,, neither of us thought
about the fact that Jimmy gets paid on Thurs.
by direct pay and if the acct. is closed now what???
Called the bank back and she said she couldn't
be sure it would be open still cause it takes
about 48 hrs. or so. She suggested I go up
and deposit a very small amt. of money and
hopefully that will keep them from closing it.
She said if it was already closed the teller
would say so, thankfully, they took it
with no problems, so hope she is right or
we will have another ordeal with his
paycheck on Thursday, cause they will send
it back to the company and they will cut
him a check or something like that.
It will be delayed at any rate unless the
acct. stays open, So we will see, I am
sure the Lord will take care of it for us.
I am laughing my head off, I had to go let the dog
out and there was a huge and I mean huge
coachroach in the doorway and he ran under
the threshold of the door and unfortunately
it was on the inside of the door not outside.
So sprayed some Bug Stop down in the
cracks, then Joey (the dog) started throwing
up, not once, not twice, but 3 times!!
So as I am cleaning up after Joey I see the
huge coachroach on the carpeting in the
dining room, so he made it aways into the
house, but I must have gotten him with the
bug stop cause he was not moving to fast,
so I threw him in the bag with all the other
trash, so maybe he will die happy!!
Oh My what a post!! Just want you to know
you are not the only one who has crazy days.
Some days you wonder why you even got
out of bed. Well, I am off to DeeAnna's
we are going to attempt to hang her new
wall decor!! Told her I was afraid I might
bash a wall in or something! ha
I take that back, that is a negative confession!! ha
This day is getting more ridiculous and more
funny by the minute. I might as well leave
cause I definitely am not gonna accomplish
much here today. Let's hope it is better
at Dee's.
Well, hope your day is going much better than mine!!
Thanks for coming by,
hope I didn't depress you too much!! ha
Hugs and Blessings,
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Birthday Celebration
This was taken at her College Grad. Party this past December
This was taken a few summers ago
We Love you Honey
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Have a tranquil and peaceful Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Encouragers,
Hope you are having a lovely weekend so far,
and that Sunday will be even lovlier!
Thought I would share my life verse
with you today!!
It is Philippians 4:6 & 7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends
all understanding, will guard your heart and minds in
Christ Jesus.
I began to learn the truth of that verse when Scott was
about 2 1/2 years old, and we having just moved here from south Florida,
left him with someone new, so we could go out to dinner together.
I had to quote it over and over again all night to keep from worrying,
You have to understand I come from a long line of worriers,
and I can worry with the best of them, but I learned along
the way that was not God's will for me or his best for me,
Oh, please don't hear me saying, I have it whipped,
cause I certainly don't but I catch myself a lot quicker
than I used to, and this verse is still working for me.
Just have to remember to use it.
As Mom's I think we will always have that temptation
to worry about our children no matter what age they
are, but I have come to the point that I am determined
not to lose my Joy worrying, usually about something
I can do nothing about anyway,
So how bout you, anything you are sick of worrying
about..........tell the Lord all about it, my friend,
He loves and care about you, and His ears are
inclined to His children, leave it in His hands,
asking for Him to guide and direct you as to
what you should do if anything, then trust
Him to do what only He can do!!
It is the pathway to peace of mind and heart!
Have a Peaceful and Tranquil Day
Today and Everyday!!
Quoting God's word, "It's a good thing,"
So quote away, the Lord want Mind,
Blessings, Hugs, and Love,