Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,
I hope this Monday find you well rested
and refreshed after your weekend.
Did you get some time with family and/or friends??
Did you have any fun??  Did you have any good food??
Did you get to do something that nurtured your soul??
I sure hope so!!  These are the things of which
life is made and that makes life good!
I had something very nice and very unexpected
happen to me this weekend.
I have seen it occassionally as I have blogged
but usually it is on blogs where there are a ton
of followers or they have sponsers!
of which I have neither!!
I was graciously awarded the "Sunshine Award"
Thanks to Wanda Lee over @ The Plumed Pen,
or Silken Purse.
  Wanda is a fun blogger friend from
Canada,  and she does the most Wonderful
and Beautiful watercolor paintings.  I really love
them! She is a very talented lady.
You should go over and visit her,  but I do think
she is gonna be taking a bloggy break so she
can rest and paint,  but check it out anyway
In fact her header picture is one of her paintings.
Gorgeous I might add!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Wanda.  I am truly honored and thrilled,
both at the same time. Thank you for
thinking of me.
 From what I understand the Sunshine Award
 is presented to a blogger for their
 positiveness and creativity.
I am even more thrilled by the reason.
It is my goal to be a positve, uplifting and
encouraging person to those I come in
contact with,  so this was quite a nice
affirmation.  For that I thank you too
Wanda, it is always a wonderful thing
to get encouragement and affirmation.
Anyway I will proudly display my
Sunshine Award button.

Then I am told I am to pick 12 other bloggers
of which I am to pass on this Sweet Encouraging
Award!  So I am in the process of thinking and
choosing,  so come back tomorrow and I will
tell you who they are! 
This is the part I am not sure I like...........
cause I feel everyone does a neat job on their
blogs,  and some have special bents and some
have special goals,  and some are just purely
for fun,  and some are about food, and some
are about decorating,  but they are all unique
in their own right,  and Wonderful.
I am truly amazed  and encouraged almost daily
by the creativity I see evoked from so many dear
ladies.  Your are all amazing and I really love
what you are doing!! and so enjoy your blogs
and your friendship thru comments and
written communications,  it is just like having
pen pals thru letter writing really.
When I was a kid I always had mail
cause I had a ton of pen pals,  but this
is even better cause you get to see pics
of families, homes, creations and more.
  So it is hard to pick!!
Well, better get moving,  my sheets are
about to come out of the dryer,  so I
can change our bed linens!
Nothing like nice clean sheets on your
bed,  another one of those things I
just love love love!
Now tell me............ when you were a kid
did you ever jump under the sheets when
your mom was making up the bed!
You know she is flipping the sheets to
spread it over the bed and you jump
in and the sheets softly settle on you!
I have such fond memories of that!
And it felt so... so... so... can't find the
word,  accept.......... COZY maybe!!
I just know I loved the way it made
me feel!!
Hope you have had a good Monday
And have a fun evening,


  1. Yes!!! I would jump under the sheets!!! My mom didn't actually enjoy it, but I did it anyway!

    Congrats on your award. Love the thought behind it because your blog is like a ray of sunshine when I come to visit!!

    Oh, just wanted you to know that I found those WW cheese sticks, in my grocery store, and they are FABULOUS!!! I'm making a lot of healthier choices in my diet and they are one of them!!

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Wow! Congratulations on your "Sunshine Award!"
    What a surprise! It's really interesting to see the different interests ladies have. I have future plans I can hardly wait to get to after I introduce my pets and truck hobbies.
    Today, Boddy chauffered Alice and me in his new Cadillac Escalade to see the new movie, "The Book of Eli." We went to the Roadhouse restaurant afterward. The movie was really good. It had a Mel Gibson theme of "Road Warrior" mixed with an after appocalyptic world theme. I won't tell anymore. It does have some great surprises (only thing I didn't like was some of the viloence R-rated.)
    Sheets... growing up living in a trailor, we didn't do much jumping, much less on the bed, lol! We did run through the sheets hanging on the clothes line. The fresh smell from the warm sunshine and ocean breeze in the sheets wanted to make you wrap yourself up in them.
    I can hardly wait for your next blog!
    Love, Sister Susie

  3. Well I sure can't think of a better award for you, my friend!! You are a joy splasher for sure!! ;o) Kepp lightin' up blogland for us ok??!!

    Love you!

  4. Hey Cozy Friend,
    Thanks for your call today and your continued prayers.
    As far as childhood "sheet fun," we would NEVER have gotten away with jumping on the bed when Mom was busy making it! Sounds like great fun though! LOL
    But, Katie especially loved me to pull the sheet up over us when she was an infant. There was a skylight in our bedrooms and I think that the light filtering through the linen reminded her of the womb. She would wiggle her little arms and legs so excitedly and we would both giggle up a storm!
    Thanks for the precious memory! =)

  5. Hi Nellie....First of all..thank you for the sweet comments on my blog...I can see you love the Lord and it shows in this sweet little blog of yours...
    It has been such a comfort to finally relax in the evening and catch up on my blogger friends ..I just added you to my blogroll...loved my first visit here and will certainly keep an eye on you as time permits...We don't know how the future will play out for us with this nasty disease...but we take comfort in knowing the author of our future....God Bless you and keep up the wonderful blog!
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  6. Thank you for your caring visit. I just have slowed down on blogging for the time being. But I will be doing a post again this week on my craft blog with more of what I am working on and time with my niece again. She stayed with us for most of the weekend. Now I need to get ready for work. So gotta dash. But I will come by your spot here after work. You have got me curious now my friend. Thank you again for your love.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....