Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More fun from yesterday..........

Afternoon Dear Hearts,
Hope you are toasty warm wherever you live and love.
It was even colder here last night,  but we had nice
sunshine today, and it went to 50 degrees,  so I braved
the cold and went to the post office and Publix.
Didn't go till it went to 50 tho!! lol
Just returned from the store and am stuffing my face
with deli chicken breast slices and yummy wholegrain
bread,  and to top it off  Hot chocolate!  I bought
the dark chocolate and it tastes great but is sort of
a funny color,  kinda greyish I'd say,  so thought
to cure that problem I would just put whip cream
on top,  fat free,  of course!!  lol
Finally finished packing up all the decorations,
we still have to do the tree,  hopefully tonight.
My daughter is coming over cause something
is leaking on her car,  we are sure hoping it is
not a serious radiator leak or something,
Please Lord, just a hose or something simple
would be great!!
My pictures will probably look like they are
the same as yesterdays,  but if you look closely
there are changes.  Someone was remarking
on my creativity with the photos and that some
thing I have sort of been doing for the last 4 years,
since I started making my own greeting cards.
And I love, love, love the digital cameras cause
you can have your own photo shoot,  and take
pic after pic and not waste any film,  Fabulous!!
Also love photoshop because you can come
up with some pretty neat pics at times with
those affects.  Some are sort of strange and
different,  and not useable,  but sometimes you
just have to find the right affect for the right
picture,  and it is amazing.
Practice makes Perfect,  and I have to say
I have been practicing a lot more since I
have my blog!  So it is nice to have someone
to share them with even if they don't make
the cut for a card!!  lol

Ah,  went to change into my sweats,  they are so comfy cozy
and warm,  don't you just thank the Lord for Sweats.
I just love em',  when it is this cold sometimes I even sleep
in them,  then when I get up I am ready for the day and
don't have to get cold changing clothes, cause they don't
wrinkle,  how great is that!!
Did you notice I thru a Rooster in the mix!!

This affect is called Conte Crayone.
Sorta neat and different.
Well,  I am working on Baked Potato Soup for dinner
as I upload pics to my blog.  Hubby corrected me,  it is not
downloading it is uploading,  hey, all I care is that they are
loading, know what I mean!!


This affect is called "Chalk & Charcoal.
Got my first 5 ingredients cooking,  got this recipe
a few months back from Becky over at Holiday In
the Sun.  It is a very easy recipe, (I had to make
a low-fat version for hubby)  but it taste might good!
I am putting ham in instead of the bacon tonight,
cause I need to use it up before it goes bad.

This affect is called "Posterized",  it is one of my favorites.
Got my ham all chopped & ready,  next I will put away
my groceries.

This is gradient map.  Love how the wallpaper looks in this
one.  sorta neat.
Got the groceries put away, no, I'm not that fast just didn't
need to buy a lot this trip.

Thought you would get a kick out of this one,  it is called
"Chrome."   Kinda like modern art of something!!!
Table set, half the dishwasher emptied,  this is great,
it is like having an accountability partner!!  lol
and it makes the mundane so much more fun if you get
to write in between.  works for me!!

This is called craqelure.  It has sort of an old look to it
don't you think??
Finished the soup and it is yummy!!
Can hardly wait to dig in.
My Dee wee just arrived as well.

This is posterized again!

This is a normal picture.
Thought I would throw one in to throw you off track!! lol

This affect is called "Glass" like you are looking thru a glass
window I guess.


This is called "Reticulation"
We finished our soup,  and it was truly delicioso!!

I think this one is hysterical,
it is called " Plastic wrap"
Doesn't it look like you shrink wrapped
the lil platter!!
And last but not least!!

This is called "Stained glass".
Well,  hope you enjoyed my lil tour of affects
and tablescapes.  Believe it or not I have more.
Maybe I will do them Friday or Monday.
Thanks for visiting today.
Hope you have a warm snuggly evening
with your family!
We are sitting at the kitchen table talking
to our daughter as she is doing an online
chat for School.  It is not real involved thankfully.
Hopefully the problem with her car is not
serious,  hubby put some coolant and water in
and bought a new radiator cap,  so hope that
will fix the problem.
See ya tomorrow!
Blessings, Nellie


  1. Looks like you have been having some fun!! I have to say I LOVE this table setting!! It is just lovely!! And of course the rooster just makes it sing!! ;o)

    I will be playing around with photos in a week or so when I have a little more time!

    Have a great Thursday, sweetie!!
    Love ya,

  2. oh i love the plastic wrap one! lol. and i love the rooster!

  3. What fun!~ Thanks for sharing all those cool special effects!.., You've inspired me!

    I got a real "kick" out of your intermittent jottings between the visiting with your daughter, kitchen chores, making the soup, snacking, blogging , etc, etc!..,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for all of the kind comments sweetie!~ I so agree that we could use to put less "sugary sweetness" in our pastry here in North America; much as the Europeans do!..,

    In our smallish seaside coastal city of 450 thousand souls;( we're an hour away from Boston Mass., via plane, albeit in Canada, Nova Scotia); we have quite a few authentically European pastry shops , and that's what I love about them; the pastries are not too sweet!..,

    May you and your have a marvelous and blessed New Year in 2010 and may God continue to richly blees you dear friend!

    Cheers, hugs and blessings from Silken Purse

  4. Oops!~ I meant to also tell you that I adore the table seting!


  5. I did notice the rooster - he is the cutest! And posterized is definitely my favorite! What fun - and boy does homemade potatoe soup sound good right about now (and what I wouldn't do for temps in the 50s...probably suntan on the patio!!) HA:)

    Love your pictures!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hugs,  Nellie Note: if you came by for "Thankful Thursday" on Thursday, Friday or Sat. Morning and most of my post was missing,...