Monday, January 11, 2010

Hiddy Ho There Sweet Friends,
How is your day going so far???
Mine is going pretty good so far,  still
trying to get my house back together.  Did
get the Christmas dishes all put away,  and
just have to put some mugs away yet.
Have been taking some pictures of roses
that I have and trying to get the right color,
cause there is something creative I want to
do with them, and if I can pull it off I will
take some pictures so you can see for yourself.
After I downloaded or uploaded  (Who knows which one,
I have no idea  what the difference is ) all my pics
I went thru them and put some affects on a few,
 and was so happy with the way one in particular came
out,  that I think I want to print it and frame it.
For some reason I can't take it to where
I normally do to print it,  so gotta wait for hubby
to get home to show me what to do.
I so hate being technically challenged,  and
I do try to learn as much as I can,  but sometimes
it all just escapes me!!  Really!!
Thought I would ask you if you have ever tried
these new Town House crackers you see in
my header picture,  I have to say they are delicious
and a favorite at our house,  they are really good
with peanut butter on them,  or with ham or with
these great Mozzarella Cheese sticks from
Weight Watchers.  These cheese sticks only have 1 gram
of Sat. fat,  and honestly,  they are the best string cheese
 I have ever had.  My kids used to eat it when they were home
 and I really never liked it (course it was another brand,
  but I love these and eat one every day now,  sometimes
 twice a day.  Check the Sat. fat on the others,  you will be
 shocked by the comparison,  and also the flavor,  if you
 are a cheese person,  which I really am not!! lol

(Thought you might like to see a closeup - the only
place I have found it, is at Wally world (Walmart)
They really make a nice snack, with the crackers and
some fruit,  I really like to eat them with grapes.
I am in the process of making Cuban Ropa Veija
as I am blogging.  I am making it for dinner on
Wednesday cause Dee and her friend are coming
over for din din.  It is alway better after it seasons for
a day or so.  It is yummy,  think I did a blog on
the recipe,  I will have to check and if so put
a link on. Looked for it but couldn't find it.
If anyone is interested let me know and I
will repost it or maybe post it for the first time.
Maybe I just thought I posted it before.
Below is another delightfully neat treat
that I love!!

Last year they only had these at Christmas,
but I just found them at Publix still,  so am
hoping they will keep them all year.
I just love these things,  they are really
delicious and gives you that lil bit of
sweet you would like after a meal but
isn't bad for you cause it is dark chocolate
and pretzels,  and we all know and have
read that a lil dark chocolate everyday
is very heart healthy.  Praise the Lord!!
Course,  key word there is a lil, not the
whole bag at once!!  lol
Only 2.5 grams of  saturated fat for 8
of them,  I usually only eat a few at a time
anyway,  so that is less than a gram, and
none of these products have nasty trans fats. 
You learn all sorts of new stuff when you
have a hubby with heart problems.  Trust
me... we eat very healthy cause as far as it
depends on me,  I am doing all I can to keep
my guys around for ages!!
Oh yea,  wanted to tell you we watched
Julie and Julia,  and I just loved it!
It is truly a delightful movie..........
Meryl Streep does an amazing job
as Julia Child,  sounds just like her!
I love what a positive and fun person
that Julia Child was,  I mostly saw her
later on in life,  but that is how she
seemed then too.  She was really
a neat lady,  and so was this young
woman Julie.  They both had wonderful
hubbies that supported and loved them
It is also a good reminder to us ladies
to not let our blogging get out of hand!!
All in All I think most ladies will truly
enjoy this movie,  hubbies maybe not
so much!  Mine thought it was okay
and said he enjoyed it, course,  I am
sure there could be something else
he might have liked more!!
It was also a very fun and funny
movie as well.  I give it an A+
for warm fuzzies!!  lol
Well, girlies it is back to the kitchen,
that is definitely the warmest spot in
the house.  We are up to 50 today
and I actually was able to turn the
heat off,  but if I don't warm up soon
I might turn it back on.  Imagine I
will once I am back in the kitchen
cooking again!
Well, enjoy your day and have a
wonderful evening.
Hope it is warming up where you
live,  tomorrow is suppose to go
to 60 I think,  so we are singing
the Hallelejah chorus ,  course,
it really has been sort of fun.
I have worn things I haven't worn
for years,  that was fun all by itself!! lol
Take Care, and Stay Warm,
Love and Blessings,


  1. I am so glad we are sisters! You always find all of the good stuff to eat! I enjoyed the crackers. I just bought some of Publix's brand of banana chips. They are really good with blueberries. I just looked at the fat grams! Whoa!!! 7 grams. It must be the "coconut oil" listed in it. I surely love the Sweet and Spicy tea you gave me. I can hardly wait to get some more! It's the only hot thing I can drink. Since the doctor told me no more coffee, hot chocolate, regular tea; what a cold time we're having to not have something hot to drink! A teacher told me to try a hot spicy apple cidar. Have you ever had hot apple cider? Well, we postponed the walk to the library this morning with the kindergarten kids today. It was still below freezing!
    I'll talk to you later. Enjoy your snacks.
    Love ya! Sister Susie

  2. I think just about anything could be dipped in dark chocolate and it would be wonderful!! I LOVE me some dark chocolate:)

  3. Reading your posts always makes me feel good. I've never tried those crackers or even the cheese. I'm trying real hard these days to watch what I eat, so I'm going to look for the cheese. I love cheese!!! Hope you have a nice visit and your meal goes well. Most of my Christmas decorations are put away. I still have some snowmen and my red plaid table cloth up in the kitchen. Enjoy your day!!!

  4. Hey there,

    So glad that you enjoyed the movie.
    It is one of my favorite! I love the music too and downloaded it from I-tunes. Thanks for the snack tips too. Hubby and I have gotten into a rut as far as our diets...always fun to get some new, healthy ideas.
    Love ya ~


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hugs,  Nellie Note: if you came by for "Thankful Thursday" on Thursday, Friday or Sat. Morning and most of my post was missing,...