Thursday, January 21, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 21, 2010

(This pic is compliments of Becky over at Holiday in the Sun,
Isn't it so cute!!)

Good Evening,  and I do mean Evening Sweet Friends,
It is 11:06 be exact!  It has been a busy day
as I have been cooking and cleaning all day and
preparing for my daughter and her friend to come
over for dinner.
We just had hamburgers and hotdogs,  potato
salad, raw carrots and  brocoli with dip, and
brownies with walnuts and frozen vanilla yogurt!
We felt like a summer meal since it was like a
summer day.............80 degrees today,
but it rained pretty much all evening!
We had a fun time just eating and sitting
around the table talking and drinking coffee.
.  We are table sitters,  we love to sit around
 the table and talk.  Such a good evening!
Guess since it is soooooooo late I had
better get on with Thankful Thursday.
I am thankful
that Jessica over at Jewels for the Journey
made it thru her surgery very well,
and the Drs. think everything went
as well as it possibly could.
Definitely answered prayer!!
I am thankful
for Wanda over at silken purse, and what
a thoughtful sweetheart she was to give
me the Sunshine Award.  It was such
an encouragement to this blogger.
I am thankful
that I am able to pass it on to so many
who have inspired, encouraged and
brightened my days
# 4
I am thankful
the Lord showed me the way to choose
those sweet folks as well.
I am thankful
that I  made 2 new bloggy friends this
I am thankful
for all my blogging community of friends
and what a blessing they are to me,
and was so very surprised as I wrote
things about many of you at the bond
I have to you already.  Neat I think!
I am thankful
for a read thru the bible program our
whole church is doing together, and
that they send a devotional to your email
box everyday,  and it is really good!
Really enjoying it.
I am thankful
for my nice kitchen,  cause it is so pleasant
to prepare food in there, and I can see
the TV from there as well,  so sometimes
I watch as well when I am cooking.
I am thankful
that my daughter came over that we can
 all enjoy being together as a family.
 I know you might be sick of hearing
 this one, but I came from a background
of divorce and went thru a lot of hard
relationship issues and problems my
whole life, so this is like bliss for me!!
Definitely a gift from God!
I am thankful
that Scott Brown won the Mass. Senate
race, because it seems like they might be
getting it that we don't want that health
care plan!!  Halleleujah!!
and I truly believe that is an answer
to prayer, for sure!!
I am thankful
to just be alive at this time in the
history of our nation.  We live
in amazing times and we may have
the priviledge of ushering in the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!
How exciting that would be!
Well dear ones,  I am going to beddie
bye,  I am pretty whipped,  but I felt
the need to be thankful.
 I tell you I do this
Thankful Thursday post more for me
than for you!  Cause it makes me dig
deep to try and come up with something
new and different,  and is a good exercise
of faith for me,  which helps me keep
an upbeat attitude!
So what are you Thankful for this
Thursday, almost Friday!!  lol
Leave me a comment and let me know!
Blessings and hugs,


  1. Hi Nellie...what a sweetheart you are...a thankful heart is a happy heart. Our God is amazing for sure...
    I am thankful for friends like you who care enough to lift one another up in prayer...God bless you my friend and your sweet blog!
    Blessings and hugs back to you, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. Thank you Nellie for all of your prayers and calls! I'm praising GOD for sisters in Christ like YOU.

  3. Yea for that Number Ten!! God is hearing the prayers of Christians on behalf of our country...

    Sounds like you have had a blessed week - hope it is a wonderful weekend as well!

  4. Dear Nellie, Although it is Friday, today I am thankful for you! You are such a dear friend and also thank you for saying such nice things about me the other day and for the award. I so look forward to the day that we will meet, face to face, so I can give you a big hug.
    Love you my friend!

  5. I look so forward to your Thankful Thursdays!
    1. I'm so thankful for our loving LORD. I thank Him for answered prayer for Jessica. Keep getting well, Jessica! Also I would like all to pray for my assistant principal. He is a young man with a family of four and has stage 4 prostate cancer. It is contained in his hip. He is a Christian (and a pastor for 10 years.)
    2. I am "tickled pink" that you received the "Sunshine Award" from Wanda! Your deserve it for your encouragement to others as well!
    3. I am thankful you have inspired others to blog!
    4.The LORD does well for us when we ask for His guidance.
    5. I have a new blogger friend too! I don't know how to add his name to my followers (?)
    6. Isn't it neat how bonds become stronger when we allow ourselves to share with others!
    7. I need to get on the church's e-mail list. I have been reading, but I think I am too far ahead.
    8. I'm so thankful for my den. TV in front of me, Sarah (my cat)sitting on me, Dolly (my dog) sitting behind me, Gracie (my dog) sitting beside me (in her chair), Sam (my dog)sitting against my feet, and my birds' joyous chatter coming through the kitchen counter window!
    9. Family is bliss! I'm so glad all is well with our families in the now and eternal future! I never look back to the times of sorrow.
    10. Praise the LORD! Yeah! Whoopee! I was in constant prayer for Scott Brown's win! I pray it starts a "snowball" effect to give this country back to "We the People" and not the Liberal Congress.
    11. Every day brings us closer to the King of Kings and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb! I can hardly wait!
    Love ya!
    Sister Susie

  6. sounds like a perfect dinner! definitely summer themed :) i can't wait for spring to get here because i know summer will be right behind it!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hugs,  Nellie Note: if you came by for "Thankful Thursday" on Thursday, Friday or Sat. Morning and most of my post was missing,...