Sunday, January 31, 2021
Scripture Sunday
Friday, January 29, 2021
Thankful Thursday January 28, 2021, more pics from Winter's past
Praise the Lord, How good it is to sing
praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting
to praise him!
Psalm 147:1 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a good and productive
week......ours has been... since I got over the
exhaustion, whatever it good to
be feeling perkier this week, I have to say!!
Pictures today are from another Winter's
past, hopefully I will have some from this
Winter next
So on with my Thankfuls....................
Thankful for dinner out at Texas Roadhouse
and how delicious everything was........we
usually get it as take out and it's good, but
was so much better in house, course, I was
starving that might have helped! lol
Thankful that the new discovery + channel
has the show "Outdaughtered", it's about a
family who has 5 quintuplets and another
older daughter. We used to see it and then
they took it off, so we haven't seen it in
a long time. It's really quite good and these
lil ones who are now 4....can really make
you cute!
Thankful that our Pastor/friend is out of
the hospital for about 6 days now and
he is getting stronger every day, but is
still on oxygen, so still needs healing
of his lungs.
Thankful for a long chat with my daughter.
She has really been into organizing the last
months, and has done a great job in their home
and would really love to get into that as sort of
a part time business, and she has a friend who
needs her closet she is gonna do that
and use it as part of her portfolio, for her web
site she is working on........She and I have a
lot of fun talking about our websites and
businesses. It's a great distraction and some
thing positive we can do and talk about
during this year of disturbing trends
for our country.
Thankful for pretty white Ibis (birds) that show
up in our front yard at times. We have seen
them a lot in this last week along with a few
Sandhill cranes, that are beautiful too.
Thankful that my Daughter has an older
lady friend she used to work with that was
in the area, so they got to spend time with,
which was so nice for Dee, since she hasn't
seen her in about 3 years. Plus it's been
just over a month since she was home
and she gets to missing everyone so this
was a perfectly timed blessing.
Thankful that some other long time
friends are doing great even tho, they
tested positive for covid. He is a Pastor
as well, and they went out to lunch with
someone and then found out her sister
had covid, but unfortunately the lady
didn't realize I guess that since she was
exposed she should have quarantined.
So once they found that out they felt
for the safety of the congregation
they should be tested, so they waited
about 5 days then got tested and sure
enough they both had it, but thank
the Lord they are doing fine and it
has been over a week now, and of
course, they are still quarantining,
and had to close the church for 14
days as well. So they were thankful
they got tested.............
Thankful that I am finally done with
taking down and packing away our
Christmas things until next year.
(Singing the Halleleujah chorus over here)
Thankful that I am finally done with
decorating for Winter as well.
(Can you hear me singing???)
Thankful for Senator Rand Paul and his
stand against this unconstitutional im-
peachment , and for the other Senators
as well, who finally stood up.
Thankful for some progress we made
on our card shop this week. It's an
ongoing work in progress for sure,
much like being God's child, He is
always working on us!
Thankful for so many beautiful pink
and peachy colored sunsets we have
had lately. Breathtaking!
Well, that's our week at Cozy Place
Thanks for stoppin' in.....
Have a lovely Friday and weekend.
Keep Your light shining brightly!
Love, Hugs and end of
January Blessings,
P.S. Can you believe it.....January just zipped
by, yet at the same time Christmas seems
like it was eons ago....
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Most Popular Posts from July thru December 2020
Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you all doing well...........
We are well, but for some reason I went
thru some days of just being exhausted,
so because of that I am still working on
packing away my Christmas stuff and
redecorating for Winter. At this rate,
Winter might be over before I get it
done. lol I do think I might be able to
finish up today at least getting stuff
packed away, and don't have much
decorating left to do either, so wish
me luck and creativity today!!
Well, here is the 2nd half of Most
Popular Posts for 2020. Hope you
enjoy it............
July 2020
August 2020
September 2020
October 2020
November 2020
December 2020
Well, there you have it.....
Thanks for coming by......
Have a great week.....
Love, Hugs and
last week of January Blessings,
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Sunday, January 24, 2021
Scripture Sunday
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Here is the verse for today.
The Lord is good,
a refuge in time of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in Him
Nahum 1:7 NIV
So let's put our trust in Him
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Thursday, January 21, 2021
Thankful Thursday January 21, 2021, another Winter from the Past (but for Valentines day)
Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Wondering if any of you feel like we do......
Yesterday was a very somber day for us,
and I probably don't have to even tell
you why.....right?? lol
Since I am still getting my house back
together I haven't taken any pictures
yet, so am gonna go with another
Winter from the past post, but this
time I had decorated for Valentines
day, so thought you might enjoy
Well, on with my Thankfuls.....
Thankful for a fun time out, going to a fairly new
to us discount store called Ollie's, we have been once
or twice before, but it's been awhile. Found a
pretty new sofa pillow that I thought look wintery
for a great price.....always love a deal...........
Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner, it was
a good night for soup!
Hard to tell but the snowflakes are shimmery silver
and the other colors are darker as well.
Much prettier in person, for sure.
Thankful for a fun time going to our Son's house
on Saturday, as he helped Lil darling have a
Candy Shop. ( Like a lemonade stand) they had
free coffee, and sold brownies, cookies, candy and
hot cocoa. So they made all the goodies together.
We went and her maternal grandmother, and
a lot of my Son's friends and family came,
as well as some neighbors.
It was a fun time had by was cold out,
so most everyone stood outside talking and
enjoying the weather and the coffee, hot
chocolate and goodies.
We also, were Thankful that we got to see
some of his friends that we haven't seen in
years, so it was a lovely time and lil darling
was pretty thrilled with the adventure
and the results. See picture below.
Thankful to hear that our Pastor/friend I spoke
about last week, (that had covid) has finally gotten
out of ICU and has been able to get some sleep and
see his wife, but only for 5 minutes on Tuesday
Can you imagine that!!
It's been kind of touch and go, as he also has
viral pneumonia, and is having a lot of trouble
getting sleep. They did start to decrease his
oxygen today (Wed), so seems like things are
going in the right direction at least......
We are hoping that he will soon be out of the
hospital and this ordeal will be over. Just found
out a few days ago his wife had it too, and has
just gotten over it as well, fortunately she had
a lighter case. So if you feel so led please
pray for him and his family.
#5 and 6
Thankful for being able to go to church,
it really is such a blessing!
Thankful that Two families were back after
quarantining for Covid and our friends
were back after being sick with colds.
Thankful that hubby has my new computer back up
and running. Still checking some thing out when
we find them. I did wind up losing most of my
previous work on my old card making package
but I am praising the Lord anyway, cause I know
He knows what He is doing, even tho I don't.....
Thankful for homemade Tacos and nachos.
We had Taco's on Tues. nite and nachos from
the leftovers on Wed. for lunch. They are
always so good. I make twice the amount of
chicken, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, scallions,
black olives, cilantro and sour cream...
(Putting them all in separate dishes.)
Then the next day it is really easy to make
nachos, just throw or put some corn chips
on a cookie sheet, then add the chicken and
drained black beans and most of the toppings
accept the lettuce, tomatoe, and sour cream.
Bake in a 350Degree oven till the cheese
melts about 10-15 mins. Then when
you take them out of the oven add the
lettuce tomatoes and sour cream.
We love these.....Easy Peasy and
Thankful for a very candid update from
my dear friend with Ovarian cancer.
It was very sad to hear what all she is
going through, cause we didn't know about
a lot of it, but I am so glad she told us cause
it makes it so we can pray more specifically
for her, and pray even more than we are
praying now...which is a lot.... She is an
amazing lady, still thankful about so
many things even in the midst of it all.
Thankful for President Donald Trump.
I am thankful for all the good things
He has done for our country and all
the hard work he and his cabinet did
during his 4 yrs. in office. Also, thankful
he and his family were willing to put aside
their own Business, and lifestyle to serve
the American people for FREE.......
(as did Jared and Ivanka) and for the
courage, commitment, tenacity and
sacrifice he and his family had to endure
with the emotional hurt and pain
that was constantly dished out to them.
My heart hurts for all of them...
and I for one...will miss them!
Thankful that the inauguration was a
peaceful one.....
Thankful that we did clean out and organize
2 spaces this week. Mine in the kitchen,
(paper goods) and hubbies in the office
(electronics stuff). I am thinking that
maybe we can do a small space at least
once a week.....we'll see, ya know, life
is what happens when we are making
our plans! lol
Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.
Thanks you for stoppin' in......
Hope you have a great rest of the week
and weekend.
Love, Hugs, and late
January Blessings,
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Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Most Popular Posts from Jan. thru June 2020
Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you all doing well and enjoying
the New Year as much as you can be.......
Believe it or not I am still getting my home
back in order.....just taking my sweet time!! lol
Since I had a little time one night last week,
While hubby was watching battle bots, (not
my cup of, so a lil of it goes a long
way with
So....I decided to do a post on the Most Popular
Posts for January thru June in 2020. It used
to be a popular thing to do every New Year,
haven't seen it so much this year, but, oh Well,
it's always fun for me to look back and I
always like to read the posts of others that
do it too, so Hope it's fun for you too!
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
Well, here's the first half of 2020,
will do the 2nd half (July thru December)
next Tuesday!
Hope you have a lovely Day.
Blessings Galore,
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